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Results 19491-19540 of 184,431 sorted by author
I think that Davy could be spaired to smite for Joe in one hour. Joe can make as many Spikes as...
I expect it would give you satisfaction to heare from your inqury done by last fresh and as it...
It appears that your statement of our acc ts are correct. I have not compared it with my own but...
It is some what possoble that I may still moove the comeing fall to the west. the certainty of my...
I trouble you with a few lines merly to acquaint you with my desire more fully respecting my...
Some time last yeare I proposed buying the little markit waggon of you I got Mr Randolph to look...
I have to Trouble you with another letter by this mail as I am at a loss how to proceed with...
I send you a line informing you that Mr Meeks is not disposed to remaine with us the ensueing...
Inclosed is an account handed me by stewart: when he left Monticello. I no of his doing the wirk...
I wish to inform you that if we do not make better arrangements to feed Jerry s mules that they...
Dollers James Carr for 7 barrils Corn @ 5 dollars  35 Thomas Burres for 18 head Hogs @  20:¾
It is with pleasure I send you a few lines informing you that myself and family are injoying a...
I saw M r Pollock some days since and made the application for the money as we agreed he then...
Inclosed are Mr. Walkers Directions for the boalting Cloith. We are Going on with the Last levil...
I am sensible that I discharge a very delicate & perhaps officious Duty in mentioning the Name of...
We got loaded up ready to start home, and I left Washington on the third of March. Mr. Jefferson...
I have Just receivd yours of the 26th. I am sorry I did not send you the aspens you wrote for as...
I send to you a few lines on pure motives of sincere respect. being as I always have been...
Yours of the 17th. I received (we are Going on with Leaveling the garden also Geting stone for...
Davy sets out this morning. inclosed is Mr. Nathaniel H Hooe’s letter respecting the run away. I...
Yours of the 18th. is received inclosed with 120 D. I am at present at wirk with my hands at the...
Augusta Chronicle (Georgia), 4 June 1791 supplement. Edmund Bacon (1776–1826) was a student in...
I went down last evening and secured the Grindstone Mr Dawson has a fresh supply Just arrive I...
Davy sets out for Washington to day. he brings 150 Aspen Giants—I have baught my Corn of three...
Yours of the 24th. I recived. Thare is or will be some further expence which we shall be oblge to...
I have examined the statem t on the paper Just recieved and believe it contains every article in...
It appears that nearly all the persons whom we owe money is desireous of recieveing it. John H...
I have received yours of the 1st. I hope I shall have your horse in as Good order as you would...
for several weeks past I have been closely useing my best indeavours to make collections of my...
Mr York says he had no instructions to recieve the money for the mules and that Mr. Munroe had...
Inclosed is the two papers of acc ts to merely ask the favour if you will look over them and see...
It is with much pleasure I proceed to send you a few lines the sincere respect which I posses for...
Yours by last weeks mail came to hand I shall certainly be on the serch for a workman and to...
I am thankfull to kind providence for the blesing of haveing it in my Power to send to you once...
I have received yours of 28th. June. am Astonished at Mr. Pery to right you he could not Proceed...
[Your favor of the] 20th I recived and shall not set off [until the] arrival of the next maile. I...
I have to inform you that I forgot to mention in the bill of my debts I beleave, that I owed Mr....
we are nearly out of grain only five or 6 barrills now on hand. consequently expect we must...
a few days ago the inclosed note came to me from the contents I presume you pobably made...
I received yours of the 12th. with $100. inclosed. Davy will start with your horse agreeable to...
I have been very closely considering upon the business of mooving. since our last conversation I...
I have Just to day got home from Mrs. Dangerfields. the two runaways are in the neighbourhood of...
Will you be so good as to let me no how much oats will be wanting to be bought as an Oppertunity...
Yours of the 8th. I have received inclosed with 120 D. The reason I have refusd going to Mrs...
Inclose Mr. Lewis’s account. I have not seen Mr. Walker but I shall see him on sunday. The...
With Graite Grief and sorrow I must let you no about one third of the Addition to the tolle mill...
I drop you a few lines to inform you of our affairs here the mill is doing a good business it...
I Have this day received your Letters of the 31st. May and 8th. June inclosed with 480 Dollars....
I have to day seen Mr Craven respecting his Cleareing the land opposite my house he says he dont...
In my arrangements of my moove I have considerd to make you a propersition respecting the money...