James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Benjamin W. Crowninshield, 23 March 1815

From Benjamin W. Crowninshield

Navy Department March 23d. 1815


I have the honor to enclose to you, a Copy of the Statement & account of the Builders of the Ships at Sacketts Harbour, and submit the subject for your consideration—as the vessels are left unfinished it may perhaps be as well to cover them with Sheds of rough Boards to preserve them.1

The mode of settlement of the account and contract will be of importance to adjust equitably for all parties, and a reference for that purpose has been proposed. Your decision is respectfully solicited. I am very respectfully Sir Your obedt. Servant

B W Crowninshield

RC (owned by Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Sang, Chicago, Ill., 1958); letterbook copy (DNA: RG 45, LSP). RC docketed by JM. Enclosure not found.

1For the ships, see Crowninshield to JM, 8 Feb. 1815, PJM-PS description begins Robert A. Rutland et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series (9 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 1984–). description ends 8:564 and n. 1.

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