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Results 19451-19500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
19451 Jefferson, Thomas Hening, William Waller Thomas Jefferson to William W. Hening, 25 March 1815 1815-03-25 I would do any thing rather than defeat the invaluable collection you are making of our statutes...
19452 Jones, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Jones to Thomas Jefferson, 25 March 1815 1815-03-25 I reced your favor of 4 h In t and was glad to recognise your well known hand once more and I now...
19453 Jefferson, Thomas Leitch, James Thomas Jefferson to James Leitch, 25 March 1815 1815-03-25 any clothing which the bearer Burwell may chuse for himself RC ( MdHi : Vertical Files); dateline...
19454 Logan, George Jefferson, Thomas George Logan to Thomas Jefferson, 25 March 1815 1815-03-25 I sincerely congratulate you on the restoration of peace to our beloved country. Nothwithstanding...
19455 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 25 March 1815 1815-03-25 After I had sent my letters of yesterday and the day before to the post office the return of the...
19456 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 25 March 1815 1815-03-25 I was waiting to write to you on the subject of my bonds only until I could recieve an answer to...
19457 Jefferson, Thomas Watts, John Thomas Jefferson to John Watts, 25 March 1815 1815-03-25 I have the pleasure to inform you that I shall be able with certainty to pay off the two bonds of...
19458 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 24 March 1815 1815-03-24 I know not whether you are acquainted with the Bearer of this Letter Samuel G. Perkins Esqr, or...
19459 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 24 March 1815 1815-03-24 Mr Ticknor will go with your Sons. Let me introduce him to you. His Reputation is that of one of...
19460 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 24 March 1815 1815-03-24 I had written the inclosed letter but had not yet sent it to the post office when mr. Nelson...
19461 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 24 March 1815 1815-03-24 The enclosed letters was received since you left us, one from Col: Cochrane Johnston, the other...
19462 Gray, Francis Calley Jefferson, Thomas Francis C. Gray to Thomas Jefferson, 24 March 1815 1815-03-24 On my return to Boston on the 20th instant , I had the honour of receiving your letter of the...
19463 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 24 March 1815 1815-03-24 I had written the inclosed letter but had not yet sent it to the post office when mr Nelson...
19464 Vaughan, John Jefferson, Thomas John Vaughan to Thomas Jefferson, 24 March 1815 1815-03-24 I have Seen M r Girard —who will lodge the necessary directions with Mess Perregaux & Lafitte...
19465 Adams, John Madison, James From John Adams to James Madison, 23 March 1815 1815-03-23 The enclosed letter supposes more importance, in my judgement, than it deserves. Whatever it is...
19466 Adams, Abigail Smith Rush, Julia Stockton From Abigail Smith Adams to Julia Stockton Rush, 23 … 1815-03-23 It is a very long time Since I have had the pleasure of hearing from you; but I have not been...
19467 Quincy, Josiah, III Adams, John To John Adams from Josiah, III Quincy, 23 March 1815 1815-03-23 I have the honor, by the direction of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to inclose under...
19468 Adams, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Adams, 23 March 1815 1815-03-23 The inclosed Letter Supposes more importance in my Judgment than it deserves. Whatever it is...
19469 Crowninshield, Benjamin W. Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin W. Crowninshield, 23 … 1815-03-23 I have the honor to enclose to you, a Copy of the Statement & account of the Builders of the...
19470 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 23 March 1815 1815-03-23 I duly recieved your favor of the 12th. and with it the pamphlet on the causes and conduct of the...
19471 Spencer, Ambrose Madison, James To James Madison from Ambrose Spencer, 23 March 1815 1815-03-23 Jonathan Fisk Esqr. late a member of Congress from this State has signified to me, that he is a...
19472 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 23 March 1815 1815-03-23 I duly recieved your favor of the 12 th and with it the pamphlet on the causes and conduct of the...
19473 Lee, Richard Bland Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Bland Lee, 22 March 1815 1815-03-22 Some applications have been made by Brickmakers to the Commissioners for permission to make...
19474 Selden, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Selden, 22 March 1815 1815-03-22 As the selection of officers to constitute a peace-establi⟨sh⟩ment, belongs to you, I have to...
19475 Plumer, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Plumer, 21 March 1815 1815-03-21 I have for sometime neglected writing to my friend your son at St. Petersburg, because I expected...
19476 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 21 March 1815 1815-03-21 I wrote you a short Letter by Mr. Storrow, who left this City to embark at Havre for the United...
19477 Jay, William Jay, John To John Jay from William Jay, 21 March 1815 1815-03-21 I was very sorry that circumstances prevented you from hearing last week, either from Peter or...
19478 Eustis, William Monroe, James William Eustis to James Monroe, 21 March 1815 1815-03-21 Doctor Francis Le Barron, the Apothecary General of the army, apprehending his office to be...
19479 Jefferson, Thomas Peale, Charles Willson Thomas Jefferson to Charles Willson Peale, 21 March … 1815-03-21 I have been long your debtor in our epistolary account. a farmer being privileged to write only...
19480 Smith, Samuel Harrison Jefferson, Thomas Samuel H. Smith to Thomas Jefferson, 21 March 1815 1815-03-21 I drop you a line to advise you that the President has had a conversation with M r Milligan on...
19481 Ticknor, George Jefferson, Thomas George Ticknor to Thomas Jefferson, 21 March 1815 1815-03-21 I reached home yesterday morning , after a tedious and indeed a perilous journey, and found that...
19482 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 20 … 1815-03-20 Permit me, to congratulate you and your Lady, with the appointment of his Exc: John Quincy Adams...
19483 Irwin, Jared Madison, James To James Madison from Jared Irwin and Others, 20 March … 1815-03-20 We ask permission to solicit the continuance of Captain John Baldy, of the 16th regiment of...
19484 Johnson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Johnson, 20 March 1815 1815-03-20 Your petitioner humbly preyeth that having enlisted in the 3rd Rifle Regiment, in a Company under...
19485 Spencer, Ambrose Madison, James To James Madison from Ambrose Spencer, 20 March 1815 1815-03-20 Under the impression, that there would be no impropriety in addressing you personally on the...
19486 William I (of the Netherlands) Madison, James To James Madison from William I, 20 March 1815 1815-03-20 D’après les voeux unanimes des Puissances assemblées au Congrès de Vienne et l’intérêt des...
19487 Barrow, David Jefferson, Thomas David Barrow to Thomas Jefferson, 20 March 1815 1815-03-20 From whatever Motives it may have arisen, I have for many Years wished a personal Acquaintance...
19488 Milligan, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Milligan to Thomas Jefferson, 20 March 1815 1815-03-20 Your Esteemed favour of the 27 th u lt post marked Milton March 8 th reached me last week When...
19489 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 19 March … 1815-03-19 Yesterday Morning I received the first information of the ratification, by the Government of the...
19490 Eustis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Eustis, 19 March 1815 1815-03-19 The unusually bad state of the roads with the shortness of time appear to cut me off from the...
19491 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 19 March 1815 1815-03-19 This letter will be presented to you by mr George Ticknor , a young gentleman of Boston . he...
19492 Jefferson, Thomas Ticknor, George Thomas Jefferson to George Ticknor, 19 March 1815 1815-03-19 Your letter of the 6 th is recieved. mine of the 4 th 3 rd had gone on and will probably be in...
19493 Vaughan, John Jefferson, Thomas John Vaughan to Thomas Jefferson, 19 March 1815 1815-03-19 Your favors, of Feb y & of 1 March were recieved—To the last I would have given immediate reply,...
19494 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 18 March 1815 1815-03-18 If Parson Nelson could call that Composition of Alexander, Petrarch and Werter, The Admiral, “...
19495 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1815-03-18 In the course of four days I received your last Letter from St: Petersburg of 12 Feby. That from...
19496 English, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas English, 18 March 1815 1815-03-18 Now that the Treaty of Ghent has been ratified by the American & British Governments, I take the...
19497 Nicholas, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Nicholas, 18 March 1815 1815-03-18 When you have recovered from the innumerable troubles of the winter I would ask your attention to...
19498 Waterhouse, Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Waterhouse, 18 March … 1815-03-18 Duty, and the consideration of a large family impel me to address the President of the...
19499 Anaya, Juan Pablo Madison, James To James Madison from Juan Pablo Anaya, 18 March 1815 … 1815-03-18 § From Juan Pablo Anaya. 18 March 1815, New Orleans. Since beginning to plan revolution for their...
19500 Jefferson, Thomas Girardin, Louis Hue Thomas Jefferson to Louis H. Girardin, 18 March 1815 1815-03-18 Your messenger finds me to the elbows in the dust of my book-shelves. I recieved my Catalalogue...