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Results 19451-19500 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
My most reverend Dearling presents her compliments. She highly applauds and greatly admires a...
According to the intimation contained in one of the letters I have had the pleasure to write to...
As I owe you more for your Letters of Oct. 12. and 28 than I Shall be able to pay. I Shall begin...
Accept my thanks for the comprehensive Syllabus, in your favour of Oct. 12. The Psalms of David,...
I have to thank you for the introduction of the Reverend Mr; Henry Colman to my acquaintance, and...
I cannot appease my melancholly commiseration for our Armies in this furious Snow Storm, in any...
The President of the United States, having given me the Office of Collector of Direct Taxes &...
You have most unexpectedly procured for me a very high gratification, by making me acquainted...
I have recd. the Gazetteer of New York, which you design for the Emperor of all the Russias, and...
I regret that your kind Letter of Oct. 11. has been so long unanswered. Mr Colman needed no...
I have been much to blame for neglecting to acknowledge your obliging favour of Sept 12th. I am...
I wish you to procure me a morsel of white marble eighteen or twenty inches square, and two or...
Thanks for yours of the 15th. Mr Colman is much pleased and very grateful for your kind reception...
I had hoped that this letter would have shaped itself by some of the agreeable topicks touched in...
You have in your late Excursion made So many Conquests among the learned, the Scientifical, the...
Since I was favored with thy esteemed favor of a late date, I have received a Letter from thy...
The Proverbs of the old greek Poets, are as Short and pithy as any of Solomon or Franklin. Hesiod...
By a great favour and a mere Accident, I have lately obtained for a few hours, the loan of A...
I have nothing to Say at present to that enchanting Lady who So easily drew my Correspondent from...
Ridento dicere Verum, quid vetat. I must make you and myself merry or melancholly, by a little...
Your Letter of the 24th. Ulto: ought to be early acknowledged by one, who, through a long life...
I have the honour to inform you, that at a Meeting of the New–York Historical Society, held on...
If you were in any spot between New Orleans and Passamaquaddy, I should write you every day If I...
Orator, and the printed Sheets you speak of in your letter of the 12th. instant, were, as you...
Answer my Letters at your Leisure. Give yourself no concern. I write as for a refuge and...
Christmas Day I sit down to offer you the compliments of the season, in the most respectful,...
Be not anxious. I am not jealous. Had your Packett arrived one day Sooner, I Should have...
Everÿ mail I flattered my Self to receive a Line from Mount Wallaston, till I received your...
I have delivered the Copy of your Gazetteer of New York, intended for the American Accademy of...
Since writing the enclosed, which I wrote at home, I have come to the Treasury building where mr...
On Sunday last I saw the President, and he mentioned to me that not a single line had been...
“That old Vertigo in his head Will never leave him, till he’s dead” was Said of Dr Swift. I say,...
Although I am not perfectlÿ free from head-ache a fixed oppression in the forehead which leaves a...
I resigned the Office of President of The Academy before your Nomination and have not Since...
The Apostle Paul in the 11th. Chapter and 5th. Verse, of his Epistle to the Hebrews, Says “...
A thousand thanks for your favour of 25 and 31. Ult. The Times are too serious to write. I expect...
In your favor of 26th November last, you say “that you venture to say that about a third of the...
At so interesting a period as the present, when our country is contending for the...
I have made repeated appointments and attempts to visit you, since you did us the favour of your...
It might cause Some Surprise, if I tell you, that your last of the 26 Dec. did reach me in due...
I thank you for the Loan of Tuckers Vision. Homer as We have him, was not his Effort of Genius....
I did rise yesterdaÿ morning with Severe headache—and espied, entering the room a Letter on the...
I have taken the liberty to forward to you a Copy of the Naval history of the U.S. Your kindness...
Timeo Danaos, et dona ferentes. Nothing can be more applicable to our situation, and the late...
By last Mail, I sent you a copy of the new Edition, & I now send you two, of which I request your...
I have great need of the indulgence so kindly extended to me in your favor of Dec. 25. of...
I thank you for the reduction of the Price of the copies of the first Edition of the “Sketches”...
I thank you for your polite and obliging letter of the 17th and for the Copy in two volumes of...
If I may judge of others by myself, Mr Hay had no cause of Apprehension that he Should be...
By this day’s mail I forward you a Set of the Naval History, which I request You will place in...