George Washington Papers

General Orders, 24 June 1776

General Orders

Head Quarters, New York, June 24th 1776.

Parole Dedham.Countersign Essex.

The Guard on the prisoners at the City-hall is to be strenghtned every night as the last, so as to make up one hundred men forty being required from the several brigades.1

The General Court Martial now sitting to assemble at the house where the Provost is kept till further orders.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Gen. William Heath wrote in his guard report of this date that “finding a number of Prisoners under Custody of the Guard at the City Hall and the Guard rather weak, [I] ordered a reinforc[e]ment of Forty men the last night, and Patroles from all the City Guards to Patrole from Tattoo to Revellee. . . . By the report of the Capt. of the Guard at the City Hall, there was Twenty Eight Prisoners there, but the Committee having released Several, one of the Committee requested that the List of their names might be Pos[t]poned untill this evening in order to its being accurate” (DNA: RG 93, Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775–83). For the investigation of an alleged Loyalist conspiracy being conducted by a secret committee of the New York provincial congress, see the source note to the arrest warrant that the committee addressed to GW on 21 June.

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