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Results 19421-19450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
By last nights post I was favoured with yours of the 16th Inst., containing the Interesting...
I have the honour of your Letter of the sixteenth Instant. Agreeable to your Directions I have...
Gilmer, not being able to attend the Convention the other Day, when the Delegates were chosen,...
The Committee appointed to consider what Harbours are proper to be fortified, have attended that...
1942524 June., 24 June 1776 (Adams Papers)
24 June. The congress tabled a petition from Carpenter Wharton (see resolution of 6 July , below)...
I received your obliging Favour of the 21st. this Morning, and I thank you for it. Dont be angry...
Your Favour of May 4th. has lain by me, till this Time unanswered, and I have heard nothing from...
By the Letters you will by this Post receive in Congress from the Brigadiers Sullivan, and...
I take the Liberty to enclose you a Letter, that you may see the use that is made of the...
19430General Orders, 24 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Guard on the prisoners at the City-hall is to be strenghtned every night as the last, so as...
The Honble Congress having determined a valuation shall be made of the Ordinance Stores taken...
The Honorable Continental Congress reposing the greatest Confidence in your Wisdom & Experience...
From your Brigade (& principally from the Riffle Regiment) detach as many Men as will be...
Long Island, 24 June 1776 . Asks directions for disposing of eleven Scotch prisoners who have...
On the 20th Inst. I received Your two Favors of the 15th & 17th by Bennet, & Yesterday Evening...
Yesterday at two O’Clock in the Afternoon I received a Line from Colonel Wynkoop by a returning...
It is with the greatest pain I inform you that after our retreat from Canada, to this place, of...
Amendments to the plan of Government continued Page 3 line 23. leave out from the word...
1943925 June., 25 June 1776 (Adams Papers)
25 June. In response to letters from Schuyler, Sullivan, and Arnold transmitted in a letter of 23...
19440General Orders, 25 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Militia Officers of the adjoining provinces who are to reinforce this army, are upon their...
By this express, you will receive advice From Genl Schuyler of our evacuateing Canada, an event...
I this morning recd yours of the 28 Ulto and approve the measures you had adopted for opening the...
Agreeable to your Excellencys Desire I have called together the Committee of the County of Essex...
I received yours of the 20 Instt and in answer thereto request you to draw out of your Regiment...
I have to acquaint your Excellency that the Delay of Dischardging the pay Roll of the Regiment...
Your Favour of the 21st Inst. by Mr Bennet with the Enclosure were duely received and laid before...
About an Hour ago General Arnold, who is arrived here from Canada sent me a Letter from General...
This morning at Day break I rece’d your Excellencys favour of the 16 Instant—am Extremely...
I this morning Received Information that One or more Boats have pass’d thro: the Narrows in...
I have written so seldom to you, that I am really grieved at the Recollection. I wrote you, a few...