James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Graham, 30 March 1815

From George Graham

Department of war march 30th 1815


I enclose to you two Letters the one from Genl. Winchester1 & the other from Genl. Miller2 that from Genl. Winchester is the only Letter we have received either from Mobile or New Orleans since you left this.

There are yet upwards of a thousand commissions to be signed; the officers will be very anxious to obtain them at or before the disbanding of the Army. I will therefore with your approbation, forward daily by mail a few of these commissions, for your signature. This will expedite the business & relieve you from a considerable pressure immediately on your return to this place. Should this arrangement however be inconvenient to you, you will be so good as to say so. I have the Honor to be with very great respect & esteem yr. obt Set

Geo: Graham

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM. For surviving enclosure, see n. 1.

1Graham evidently enclosed Brig. Gen. James Winchester’s 13 Feb. 1815 letter to James Monroe (2 pp.; DNA: RG 107, LRRS, W-197:8), reporting the British attack on Fort Bowyer, of which he did not yet know the result. He expected the enemy to advance on Mobile, however, and his troops there were ready.

2No letter from Brig. Gen. James Miller to the War Department dated in March 1815 has been found.

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