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Results 1941-1990 of 184,431 sorted by author
I take the Liberty of addressing you in behalf of my Son, now at St Petersburgh, and to ask of...
Your Letter of July 9th was joyfully received by me, it was not untill your Letter arrived, that...
Mr Cutter is very desirious that you and any person we may agree upon Should go to medford and...
Mr Shaw sent me word yesterday, that a Gentleman of his acquaintance was going to Archangel, and...
I received your note this morning and wish you had known that mr Shaw came out last Evening...
I really was much rejoyed to See once again your hand writing. While I feelingly Sympathize with...
how shall I address you. how offer the consolation I need for myself upon an occasion which has...
Your former kindness, and your known benevolence encourages me to again solicit your aid Mr...
I hope the afflicting intelligence which you must receive from your Friends at Washington, will...
I am going to ask you a curious question Nothing less, than the Name of the Gentleman who visited...
If I write you ten Letters, to one from you, Still I Should be your debtor, for one of yours is...
What is the reason I do not get a Letter from my Mother I think I hear you say? Why I will tell...
I was much gratified at receiving a Letter from you, as well as at the play of fancy, and the...
Your Letter my dear Sister lies yet unnoticed, or rather I Should Say unreplied too The...
Since last monday, I have not been able to write you a line. I lived in bodily fear of the...
There is Surely a Secret Sympathy between us, for the very week in which you have written me I...
I rejoice to learn by Caroline’s letter to Susan, (which in her absence I took the liberty of...
I have received two very pretty Letters from you, with which I have been much pleased, both with...
Received Quincy December 28th., 1814 of Thomas B Adams Esqr., the sum of Twenty-one Dollars and...
I beleive I have written you only one Letter since the commencment of the present Year, and I...
upon my return from Boston where I passt a few days I found your very agreable Letter of october...
I write you a few lines just to say that I send your mother a century Sermon, preached in this...
I began to feel very much in want of a talk from you, this morning it came. I had written my Eyes...
enclosed is the money which mrs Welsh advanced upon your account which you will pay her, and get...
upon looking over my list, I find that I have written to you a Letter every month, since october....
I have not yet acknowledged your favour of June 27th I go so seldom into the buisy world, that I...
yours of July 21, I received by the last Mail I was just going to ask the cause of your long...
No further intelligence from our Children has yet reached us my Dear Madam, than a Letter from mr...
My last Note went to you by mr Marston, with two Letters enclosed—I did not write on Saturday as...
I have not committed burglary this time—Caroline haven written in the cover, all well the 9th of...
I have already written to you by this vessel. her sailing haveing been delayed, I have the...
Words cannot describe to you how Sincerely I participate in your trouble? can I in any way render...
You will, I know, share with your father and me, in lamenting the death of our ancient friend,...
I received your note of Monday I believe, as well as a very kind and friendly Letter previous to...
"String after String, is severed from the Heart" The parting with my dear Boys the final parting,...
Inclosed you have a Letter, to mr Rutledge which you may if you like send to your Brother if you...
I inclose you a volm from Harriot, and I have written to your Mother so late, that I have not a...
Yesterday your father brought me the much–desired packet. You mention General Eaton’s...
I have read your Letter, and see nothing to amend or alter, thank you for the communication. I...
Your good uncle Cranch is gone. heaven has Saved him the greatest anguish he could experience in...
If your Sister had not been So constant & punctual a correspondent with you, I Should have been...
The vessels which I have already written by have been detaind: by contrary winds, and give me an...
Rules for disposing of the Day Rise by Six. if any time before Breakfast to walk out a little way...
I shall send George tomorrow by the stage and will be much obliged to your Father if he will go...
I shall begin my Letter by putting your mind at ease respecting your children, who are both very...
your Sons are well. your Parents are still living. your Brother is well— O my full Heart, shall I...
I again take my pen, not to find any fault with you, that I do not hear from you, because I know...
To your kind and friendly Letter I fully designd an immediate replie, but a Severe attack of a...
Thursday, 30th November, was our Thanksgiving Day; I was not able to attend church, owing to my...
My last Letter to you, was dated 17th of October 1814 which supposing the negotiation had ended...