John Jay Papers

Secret Committee Warrant for the Arrest of John Campbell, 22 June 1776

Secret Committee Warrant for the Arrest of John Campbell

[New York, 22 June 1776]

Whereas John Campbell ______1 stands charged with dangerous Designs and treasonable Conspiracies against the Rights and Liberties of the united Colonies of America We do in Pursuance of a certain Resolve of the Congress of this Colony of the twentieth of June Instant authorize and request you to cause the said John Campbell ______ to be with all his Papers forthwith apprehended and secured and that Return be made to us of the Manner in which this Warrant shall be executed in Order that the same may be made known to the said Congress. Given under our Hands this twenty second Day of June 1776—

John Jay
Gouv Morris
Phil. Livingston

DS, in the hand of JJ, NNGL (EJ: 90506). See also the similar warrant issued for Peter McLean, 22 June 1776, NN (EJ: 1052).

1In the warrant for Peter McLean, this space is filled in with the place of residence of the suspect.

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