John Jay Papers

Secret Committee to James Clinton, 22 June 1776

Secret Committee to James Clinton

[NYork 22 June 1776]


The Warrant you recd. from us by Express from General Washington against Fletcher Matthews, was intended for James Matthews, who by an unlucky mistake we understood to be named Fletcher.1 Be pleased therefore to forbear executing the said Warrant—We have given one to Mr. Allison against James Matthews which we are desirous should be served without Delay—as also against William Forbes a Tanner & Currier by Trade about five miles from Goshen—and one Clarke who has been a Schoolmaster about Eight or nine miles from Goshen—Forbes is said to be a tall, dark complectioned man, with dark Eyes, wears a homespun Coat made of thread & Cotton, a black & white mixed—Clark is a red faced, middle aged, middle sized, thick set, dark complectioned Man—

Phil. Livingston
John Jay
Gouvr Morris

To Coll. Clinton

ALS in the hand of JJ, DLC: Washington Papers, series 4 (EJ: 12464). This text was enclosed in James Clinton to George Washington, 27 June 1776, DLC: Washington Papers.

1During testimony on the Hickey Plot, witnesses implicated a brother of Mayor David Matthews without specifying his name. The Secret Committee had issued a warrant for the arrest of Fletcher Matthews, rather than James Matthews, the person intended. Both William Forbes and Clarke were also charged with plotting collaboration with the British army upon its arrival in New York.

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