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Results 19401-19410 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
19401 Jefferson, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Franklin, [21 June … 1776-06-21 The inclosed paper has been read and with some small alterations approved of by the committee....
19402 Adams, John Greene, Nathanael From John Adams to Nathanael Greene, 22 June 1776 1776-06-22 Your Favour of the second Instant has lain by me, I suppose these Eighteen days, but I fear I...
19403 Adams, John Kent, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Kent, 22 June 1776 1776-06-22 Your Letters of April 24. and May 26 are before me, both dated at Boston, a Circumstance which...
19404 Adams, John Parsons, Samuel Holden From John Adams to Samuel Holden Parsons, 22 June 1776 1776-06-22 Your obliging Favour of the third of June, has been too long unanswered. I acknowledge the...
19405 Washington, George General Orders, 22 June 1776 1776-06-22 Aaron Burr Esqr: is appointed Aide-du-Camp to Genl Putnam in the room of Major Webb promoted—He...
19406 Clinton, James Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel James Clinton, 22 … 1776-06-22 I have Just now Received you[r] Letter by Express with the Warrant therein Inclosed which I will...
19407 Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 22 … 1776-06-22 I have received your Favour of the 10th instant—The Resolve of Congress for augmenting the Army...
19408 Secret Committee Clinton, James Secret Committee to James Clinton, 22 June 1776 1776-06-22 The Warrant you rec d . from us by Express from General Washington against Fletcher Matthews, was...
19409 Secret Committee Secret Committee Warrant for the Arrest of John … 1776-06-22 Whereas John Campbell stands charged with dangerous Designs and treasonable Conspiracies against...
19410 Committee of the Virginia Convention V. The Mason Plan as Revised by the Committee, [22 June … 1776-06-22 A PLAN Laid before [ a ] committee of the House , [ appointed to prepare a form of Government ]...