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Results 19401-19430 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Persons influenced by the british Govt have made such efforts to misrepresent me that I deemed it...
12 February 1810, Philadelphia. Offers to furnish a plan to fortify and defend the coast at...
19403[Diary entry: 6 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
6. Writing the forepart of the day. In the afternoon Rid to the Harvest Field at Muddy hole.
The enclosed Volume, with Six others have just now come to my hands, I Suspect by their...
Inclosed are Mr. Peytons and Koopers accounts. as for the meadow land. I should think sir it...
I had taken it for granted, from the general spirit of the transaction, that the first...
The inclosed letters will sufficiently explain to you their object: I shall be much obliged to...
I rec d a Letter some weeks ago fm M r W m Jarvis of Lisbon , in w ch he advised me of his having...
19409January [1765] (Washington Papers)
1st. Had at the Home House 78 sheep besides the 11 which are up fattening 78 At the River...
On the 3rd. Instt. (before I left Wilmington) I had the honour of receiving from you a Packet...
Went into a committee on the bill to repeal the citation acts.… Mr. Hamilton advocated the bill...
As I conjectured so it happen’d that your esteem’d Fav r . of the 21 st . past made a visit to...
Your frolicsome letter of the 10th of October has come to hand this morning and amidst the...
I am afraid I shall be bankrupt in my epistolary account with Anne & yourself. however the tide...
I have been honoured with your letter of the 3d. enclosing a letter from the Govr. of S. Carolina...
As candor in Religion , is now vanished from the face of the earth: and hypocrisy under the mask...
19417Cash Accounts, August 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra Augt 1— By Ditto [cash] pd Thos Hardin (Mrs Steptoes Overr) for 34 Barl Corn £19.11. 0 2—...
I have it in Charge from the Congress to Direct that Two Companies of Colonell Dayton’s Battalion...
Having been curious to form some estimate of the quantity of corn and flour which have been...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Wilson. He omitted to observe to him on the subject...
10 August 1803, New York . Encloses his bond “with two good sureties,” as required by the...
Shall the squadron now at Norfolk be ordered to cruise in the Mediterranean what shall be the...
It is a very pleasent morning Sir, and I have risen a little after five, that I might have the...
19424[Diary entry: 17 August 1785] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 17th. Thermometer at 78 in the Morning—84 at Noon and 86 at Night. Cloudy & damp...
I am honored with your favor of the 4th. instant and will pay attention to what you say on the...
I have received your favor of the 10th. Mr. Shaw discovered his omission of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, &...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library This is the first letter that relates to Franklin’s...
I forward the inclosed letter from Doctr. Witherspoon the moment it comes to my hand, in hopes...
To his Excellency Thomas Hutchinson Esqr. the Honorable his Majesty’s Council and the honble....
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 14 Feb. 1796 . On 21 Feb., GW wrote Pearce: “Since my last...