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Results 19401-19450 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Letter not found: to Col. John Cadwalader, 30 Dec. 1776. Cadwalader wrote GW on 31 Dec. : “I recd...
Notwithstanding the discouraging Accounts I have received from Col: Reed of what might be...
The satisfaction I received in perceiving your name on the List of Brigadiers of Continental...
Fix with Colo. Griffin on your Points of Attack—In this, as circumstances must govern, I shall...
I have to acknowledge an⟨d⟩ thank you for your obliging & friendly letter of the 20th Ulto. It...
From the Movement of the Enemy downwards, I think it highly necessary that the Post at Dunks’s...
I have yours of Yesterday & have no doubt of your doing every thing in your Power to Promote the...
Though disagreeable to appear in any manner in a personal dispute, yet I cannot in justice to you...
The Arrival of the Fleet under Comand of the Count De Grasse on the Chesapeak—gives us the...
You are to post your Brigade at and near Bristol—Col. Nixons Regiment to continue where it is at...
General Howe has advanced part of his Force about Two miles this side the Head of Elk, and from...
Some pieces of Intelligence renders it necessary for you to March your Troops immediately to this...
The Gentn who will have the honor of presenting this letter to you, is a Nephew of mine, heir to...
As your Troops (from Philadelphia) can be better accomodated in this place than at Princeton,...
I was just now favoured with your Two Letters of the 25th and 26th Instant and regret much the...
Your favor of the 12th Instt came safe to my hands & gave me sincere pleasure; as it encouraged a...
Letter not found: to Col. Lambert Cadwalader, 24 Mar. 1777. The docket on Cadwalader’s letter to...
I am to acknowlege your letter of the 7th Ulto which I have this day transmitted the committee of...
I am pressed by a number of causes to beg your determination on a point which is likely to give...
I am now two thirds of my journey homeward having left Philadelphia on the 8th: instant, and...
It is not my practice to omit altogether, however I may sometimes unreasonably, postpone the...
In answer to your favour of the 20th, I can assure you with much truth that I had a very sincere...
I had for sometime contemplated offering you my congratulations on the auspicious event of your...
I have just now, upon my return from Boston, found your letter of the 9th: instant, disclosing to...
I have just received your letter of July 12: and owe more apology than I well know how to make...
I have duly received your favor of the 9th. instant. My Congé is not yet arrived, but I have...
En reponse à la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire avant hier je puis vous...
Your favor of Apr. 2. was not recieved till the 23 d of June last with the volume accompanying...
The desire you express to prefix my name to the work you are about to publish is gratifying to me...
I received your favor of Yesterday and in Answer thereto, I am to inform You, at the same Time...
Facsimile of ALS in Heinrich Lempertz, comp., Bilder-Hefte zur Geschichte des Bücherhandels und...
Your favor of the 6th. has been duly recieved, and I now inclose you a draught of the US. bank of...
Press copy of ALS : Library of Congress Understanding that my Letter intended for you by General...
Your favor of Ocr. 11. came duly to hand, and at a later day, a Memoir, referred to in it. You...
On the receipt of your letter of the 15 Ult: I requested the Bursar of the University to make out...
Your letters of Apr. 25. & 30. came to me by the same mail as I was leaving Monticello on a...
Your letter from Charlottesville came duly to hand, and an earlier answer would have been given...
I have been long in debt to your politeness for the copy of your “Elements of phrenology” put...
Should the grain which was collected for the army be deposited at any one place, in such...
I have been favored with your letter of the 19th this morning. It is fully my intention to do...
Your favor of the 17 th has been duly recieved. it will be a great gratificn to me should our...
July 17th being Sent for by generr. Patterson Surspacted For helping the amaricans presiners to...
A few days ago I recd yours inclosing sundry papers relating to Capt. Randolph. I think him...
Having received information to day, that a Letter had been found by you in an Office in the...
I have been favored with your letter of this days date—I am much obliged to you for your exertion...
In consequence of your representation of the exposed state of the forage along the mountain, I...
I receive with Pleasure this Testimony of Respect from the Mayor and City Council of the great...
The Correspondence in itself deeply interesting; as an appeal to the Nation is doubly so. Such an...
I have duly recieved your favor of dec. 29. covering the letter of mr Levins, expressing a...
I duly recieved your letter of the 19 inst with the documents it covered relative to the treaty...