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Results 19401-19430 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
This indenture made on the first day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifteen between...
This indenture tripartie tripartite made on the first day of April one thousand eight hundred and...
I have this moment placed in the hands of the stage-driver from this to Charlottesville , your...
I James N. Edmonston wishes to be appointed as a chain carer to run the Divideing line between...
The memorial of George W Howard respectfully sheweth, That he emigrated from Ireland the place of...
The Memorialists, who have hereunto subscribed their names, American Citizens residing and...
A list of the taxable property of the subscriber in Albemarle Mar. 1815. 5640. acres of land...
Before I proceed to St. Domingo, I have a few Words more to say. And after all I expect to forget...
Ellen ’s visit to Warren has been delayed by an unlucky accident. on Monday we heard that my...
I consider you as my Safest confidential Friend, I have taken the liberty for to Send to you a...
I need not Say any thing about our Constitutions, or the Difficulties that have been experienced...
I enclose to you two Letters the one from Genl. Winchester & the other from Genl. Miller that...
I am perfectly sensible of the impropriety of a female addressing herself to a gentleman by...
§ From William Taber and Others. 30 March 1815, Albany. “Mr. Ferguson having been appointed Mayor...
¶ From John Stevens Jr. Letter not found. 30 March 1815, New York. Offered for sale by Walter R....
In my last I promised you the result of all my deliberations on this great Subject. It was this:...
I have just recd. yours of the 26. and return the projected answer to Adml. Cochrane, with a few...
§ From Benjamin W. Crowninshield. 29 March 1815, Navy Department. “The enclosed papers are...
I am compelled, from necessity, to resort to London for my re Portraits . M r Edwin , on whom my...
I send you inclosed $70 in the manner requested in your favor of the 22 nd Ins t — Our flour...
Annexed I have the honor to communicate an extract of a letter dated 11th. inst. from Thomas Sloo...
From the general philanthropy of your character and liberality of sentiment no apology is deemed...
I se in the news papers that you have appointed commissioners for the Superintendance of the...
By a letter from M r Sam l H. Smith I am informed that the President had engaged you to come on...
Impartial history of the Revolution in France . 1. v. 8 vo Ray ’s American tars in Tripoli . 12...
Let me put a case, like a Lawyer, suppose, Samuel Adams John Dickinson, Patrick Henry and...
Your very obliging and gratifying favor of the 17th of this month, with all its accompaniments,...
Since writing to you this morning, I have determined upon doing a bold thing. I do not often...
I now return the papers sent with yours already acknowledged. They are well worth perusing &...
A sincere disposition to serve a worthy and useful Member of Society, induces me to take the...