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Results 19381-19430 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
S ir : Being under the necessity of crossing the ferry from New-York to this place, I had a...
I have to inform you that the Continental Privateers brought into this Port the eighteenth...
The Congress having the greatest Reason to believe there has been very gross Misconduct in the...
Your Favour of the Ninth of this Month was delivered to me, Yesterday by Mr. Whitney, whose...
1938521 June., 21 June 1776 (Adams Papers)
21 June. The congress, considering the status of several officers who had served in Canada during...
The Congress having thought proper to appoint us to the Board of War and Ordinance, we do...
To remind our friends of their Inattention and Neglect must give Pain. I am almost angry with...
AL (draft): New York Public Library I am much obliged by your kind Care of my unfortunate Letter,...
AL : American Philosophical Society This note has probably far more importance than appears on...
19390General Orders, 21 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
All officers, or soldiers, belonging to either of the Regiments, serving in Canada, are to apply...
The Congress having thought proper to appoint us to the Board of War & Ordinance, we do ourselves...
The absolute necessity of preventing all Correspondence between the Inhabitants of this Country...
I am ⟨muc⟩h obliged by your kind Care of my unfortunate Letter, which at last came safe to hand....
Boston, 21 June 1776 . “Whereas I received orders from your Excellency to march the Guard under...
I was this morning honoured with your favor of the 19th Instant with sundry Resolves of Congress,...
This will be delivered you by the Chevalier de Kermorvan, and Monsieur de Vermonet—they are...
The Most important Matters are soon to be decided by Arms Unhappy it is for the Massachusetts and...
Whereas David Matthews Esqr. stands charged with dangerous Designs and treasonable Conspiracies...
I landed here the Evening before last and by reason of Several Inconvenenices Could not make an...
Whereas David Matthews, Esq r ., stands charged with Dangerous designs and treasonable...
The inclosed paper has been read and with some small alterations approved of by the committee....
Your Favour of the second Instant has lain by me, I suppose these Eighteen days, but I fear I...
Your Letters of April 24. and May 26 are before me, both dated at Boston, a Circumstance which...
Your obliging Favour of the third of June, has been too long unanswered. I acknowledge the...
19405General Orders, 22 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
Aaron Burr Esqr: is appointed Aide-du-Camp to Genl Putnam in the room of Major Webb promoted—He...
I have Just now Received you[r] Letter by Express with the Warrant therein Inclosed which I will...
I have received your Favour of the 10th instant—The Resolve of Congress for augmenting the Army...
The Warrant you rec d . from us by Express from General Washington against Fletcher Matthews, was...
Whereas John Campbell stands charged with dangerous Designs and treasonable Conspiracies against...
A PLAN Laid before [ a ] committee of the House , [ appointed to prepare a form of Government ]...
I, being inform’d that the post is to set out in an hour, have just left the committee appointed...
It is with Shame, and Confusion of Face, that I acknowledge that your agreable Favour of April...
Your agreable Favour of May the first has lain by me neglected, not for Want of Inclination to...
Your agreable Favour of May the fourth has lain by me unanswered, till now. The Relation of your...
Your Favour of June the first is now before me. It is now universally acknowledged that we are,...
ALS : (duplicate): Library of Congress This letter, in form to Morris but in fact to the...
ALS : National Archives This will be presented you by The Chevallier de Kermovant, who left Old...
19418General Orders, 23 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
Mutual Complaints having been made by the Armourers, and Soldiers, respecting the repairing of...
Yours of the 20th & 22d Inst. are both safe to hand, the person you was to seize by warrant, you...
I herewith transmit you an Extract of a Letter from Genl Ward which came to hand by last nights...
By last nights post I was favoured with yours of the 16th Inst., containing the Interesting...
I have the honour of your Letter of the sixteenth Instant. Agreeable to your Directions I have...
Gilmer, not being able to attend the Convention the other Day, when the Delegates were chosen,...
The Committee appointed to consider what Harbours are proper to be fortified, have attended that...
1942524 June., 24 June 1776 (Adams Papers)
24 June. The congress tabled a petition from Carpenter Wharton (see resolution of 6 July , below)...
I received your obliging Favour of the 21st. this Morning, and I thank you for it. Dont be angry...
Your Favour of May 4th. has lain by me, till this Time unanswered, and I have heard nothing from...
By the Letters you will by this Post receive in Congress from the Brigadiers Sullivan, and...
I take the Liberty to enclose you a Letter, that you may see the use that is made of the...
19430General Orders, 24 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Guard on the prisoners at the City-hall is to be strenghtned every night as the last, so as...