From George Washington to the Commissioners at Forts Montgomery and Constitution, 10 June 1776
To the Commissioners at Forts Montgomery and Constitution
[New York, 10 June 1776]
Unacquainted as I am with the Situation of the Posts in the Highlands, I can do no more than desire you will pursue and with as much dispatch as possible the Plan of Work pointed out in the within directio⟨ns.⟩1 I am Gentn Yr Most Obedt Hble Serv:
Go: Washington
ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The ADfS is addressed “to Mr William Bedlow & the other Commissioners at Forts Montgomery & Constitution.” Bedlow and his fellow commissioner Jonathan Lawrence were at Fort Constitution. Commissioners Thomas Palmer and Gilbert Livingston were at Fort Montgomery.
1. See Stirling to GW, 9 June 1776. William Bedlow informed the New York provincial congress on 8 June that Stirling had “ordered an additional barrack to be erected in the Highlands” and asked whether or not he should execute those orders. The provincial congress replied by resolving that Bedlow wait on GW “and inform him of Lord Stirling’s directions, and that Mr. Bedlow, and the other commissioners, take all their future directions from the General, respecting those fortifications, and the works or buildings to be there erected, and from what funds the future expense of those works shall be defrayed” ( , 1:484; see also GW to James Clinton, 14 June 1776, n.1).