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Results 1921-1970 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have now received all the Letters you have written to me, except No 4. up to No 8. altho they have not come regularly they have found their way, first or last, and in good order. No 6 I received a few days since, together with one for your Brother, one from your wife to mrs T B A, one from Willliam to his Mother, and one for Mrs Hellen, which I had the melancholy office of transmitting to...
your Letters of April 30th of May 28th of June 27th a duplicate, So faint a press coppy that but little of it could be read, and your originals of July 8th and August 10th have all safely arrived, the two last upon the 19th of this Month with Letters to your Father, of nearly the Same date, but which I find he has not acknowledged in his Letter to you of this Day. your last Letters gave us...
It was with a heavy heart and trembling hand, that I yesterday broke the seal of your letter to your uncle. I knew that he was gone to Boston, and as I had not any letter myself, I could not wait in such suspense; the contents of the letter has left me little expectation of hearing that the lamp of life is not nearly extinguished. I had written thus far, when Louisa brought me the paper, with...
The account of your Health and your debility gives me much concern. the frequent bleedings your Physician thinks Proper for you, quite allarms me. I am sure Louisa could not have Survived, if any blood had been taken from her. for more than a month, She could not rise from her Bed: to Sit while it was made, without fainting, and looking as if she could not be yet back alive. She has now So far...
Will you permit Listen to a Friend to your Reputation to your rising prospects, to your rising prospects, to your future pursuits and to the happiness of your family to tender you some advice, nor deem it an intrusion? It is a Subject of much delicacy which I scarcely know how to begin yet such is the partiality I have entertained for you from the amiableness of your manners and the good...
My dear Daughter Survived but a few hours after you left us—She lay much in the Same State untill twelve oclock when after a few Struggles her Spirit was releasd to join those of your dear Parents and many others of the just made perfect—whilst I mourn for her I bless God, that her Sufferings were not greater, and pray for divine Support MWA .
I received your very kind Letter, in which you take so great interest in my health, that I am bound to say much of myself in return; for I have profited by your admonitions and those of my other Friends.In the first place, I indulge myself in the morning, and seldom rise before the sun I use no more exercise than I think my health requires—altho I frequently hear, o do not go there, do not do...
Mrs Cushing came last fryday to make me a visit, so that I have not been able to write a line She left me to day about noon, when I received a note from You with Carolines and mr Lymans Letter. it took us Some time and trouble to decypher it, but finally we made out to read & reread it. The president thinks it the best and most accurate account of the State of Literature & the Learned...
Inclosed are two Letters for you & family or to Speak more correctly one for you, and one for Mrs Cranch— I was anxious to hear from you, as I had heard of Nortens Sickness. he has a Billious constitution, and Slender health. I hope it will become firmer. we have indeed so wet a season that the fruits of the Earth are decaying for lack of Sun Shine. let us acknowledge our intire dependence...
I received your letter of Feb’ry 19th inst, was rejoiced to find you writing again. It was my intention Sooner to have replied to you, but your own experience under Similar Circumstances will allow for my omission, when I inform you that Louisa was Suddenly seizd with bleading, like that which has twice attackd you, and this from being a large vessel in the Stomack, was so profuse, as to...
There are two vessels up, one for St Petersburgh & one for Gottenburgh. by both of which I propose to write. My last Letter was dated in Jan’ry No 1, and the last received, from you then, was of Sepb’r but yesterday Commodore Bainbridge arrived, and forwarded your Letters of October 2d a press coppy of No 25 not yet arrived, and an original of october, 24 & 25—No 26—your Father will write, and...
I write again. I am yet among the Living, of which last Monday morning I had no expectation, but thanks to a kind providence I am yet Spaired for Something, and may I be finally found with the wise virgins, my Lamp trimmed. The Severe Snow Storm of yesterday has so Blockaded, the Roads that I know not when they will be passable—no opportunity of sending you Carolines Letter to day, or Letters...
I fully designd writing to you so that my Letter should have reachd you at Washington, but ten days of very severe sickness has prevented me from holding a pen, and now I do it against many expostulations. I duly received your two kind Letters, and thank you for them. Mrs Adams Caroline and the two Boys made me a very pleasent visit of a fortnight. I enjoyd their society in my usual health,...
I wait this mornings post with much anxiety a report yesterday reachd us, that mr Dexter died at Troy this week by an aploplexy—if true the papers will this morning inform us, to our great grief and mourning— Henry Marston who took the Letters to you, said he would deliver the Letters in the morning. he is usually punctual to his word—I inclose you one since received which you will return on...
I have received your kind Letter of June the 7th, tho not by Mrs Perkins, for she has not yet arrived—I thank you for the information which it afforded me. your Letters are a treat from which I derive pleasure uncloyed—I can return you only the passing scenes of domestic and rural Life, interesting only for their connection with the Family Circle.— Two of your Neices, and my Granddaughters,...
True my dear Sister, “our Sweetest comforts have their alloy” my dear Caroline left me yesterday. no former separation from her equaled this. upon former occasions she was not the principle, and I looked forward to times, when she would be again with me as a resident; now I have relinquished her, and given her to an amiable Man, who will know her value; and strive I trust, to make her happy,...
I thank you for your kind inquiries after my Daughter Smith. She is, and has been as well, the Physicians Say, as any one could expect, after Such an Operation, as She has endured—to me it was agonizing—She Sustaind it with firmness, and fortitude The wound has been intirely healed for this month, but the mussels from the Arm, which communicate with the part affected, were necessarily laid So...
delightfull praise! like summer Rose that brighter in the dew drop glows— they were Sweet Drops from the heart to the Eyes both of your grandfather & grandmother when I read to him the two Letters to your Father and uncle this day in praise of your Mother. you could not have offerd a Sweeter incence to your Grandfather— to know that flowing from the hand of Friendship in a Strain of Sincerity...
Received Quincy September 14th: 1814 of Thomas B Adams Esqr: Twenty-one Dollars and eighty seven Cents, for one quarter’s interest due on JQ Adams’s note due August 1st:— $21.87 MHi : Adams Papers.
I write to you, altho it is really with the hope that you may not receive my Letter. I would fain believe that you will be upon Your passage Home long before this can arrive in St Petersburgh, but as there is a possibility that you may Yet be there, I would not omit informing you of the health of your parents and Children, nor of their anxious desire to see you again Safe in your Native...
I take the Liberty of addressing you in behalf of my Son, now at St Petersburgh, and to ask of you, permission for his return to his native Country. I hope you may have already received, through the Secretary of State, his own request to this effect. From Several Letters which I have received from Mrs Adams, I have been led to think their Situation very unpleasent, as it respected their...
Your Letter of July 9th was joyfully received by me, it was not untill your Letter arrived, that I had any certain knowledge where you were, altho I had presumed from mr Adams Letter of 19 March from Paris, that you might have reachd there, the day after your Sister Smith left it. It grieves me to Say to you, that she has, had a Severe trial and affliction since she arrived in America, in the...
Mr Cutter is very desirious that you and any person we may agree upon Should go to medford and take a survey of the Barn and agree to build one, either by contract or as would be best, by employing Cutter to undertake it. I have agreed with Mr Foster to go up in my behalf, when ever it will be convenient for you to accompany him. Cutter should be informd when—the size and dimensions of the...
Mr Shaw sent me word yesterday, that a Gentleman of his acquaintance was going to Archangel, and would take a Letter to you, a voyage in the present precarious State of navigation is almost as visionary as that of Gonzales to the moon. I will not however omit writing to you, altho at a time, when a three months Embargo, and Mad Emperors and Kings, prevent all regular communications, this...
I received your note this morning and wish you had known that mr Shaw came out last Evening alone. I looked & looked at noon for him with Some Friend, but they did not come. I asked him why he did not bring you. he said he came of suddenly— The P. never found mr Lymans Note to you untill this moning or he would sooner have commissoned you to thank mr Lyman and Say that he did not think any one...
I really was much rejoyed to See once again your hand writing. While I feelingly Sympathize with you, in the weakness of your Eyes, which deprives your Friends, of one of there greatest enjoyments, a Friendly Epistolary intercourse with you. I have sufferd much these Six months, from a Similar cause, altho mine is not a Constant complaint. it must be an increasing one with years I had a Severe...
how shall I address you. how offer the consolation I need for myself upon an occasion which has torn my heart with anguish, filld my Bosom with Greif, and so overwhelmd me by the magnitude of the Bereavement, that I cannot utter my feelings The Stroke was so unexpected to me who had calculated upon going myself to the world of Spirits before him, and that he would be the Friend, to administer...
Your former kindness, and your known benevolence encourages me to again solicit your aid Mr Clark, to whom I gave a Letter of introduction to you, not long since, and for whom you once before interested yourself, is very desirious of engageing in some active employ more congenial to his feelings, than doing Duty on Board a ship in port. With the consent of Commodore Bainbridge, he last week...
I hope the afflicting intelligence which you must receive from your Friends at Washington, will not be too suddenly burst upon you, but that your best Friend may have been intrusted with it, that he may prepare your mind for the heavey tydings. I know that mrs Hellen was a dear and favorite sister to you all, and well deserving of your attachment. The circumstances which deprived you of her,...
I am going to ask you a curious question Nothing less, than the Name of the Gentleman who visited us on Saturday week? he was accompanied by a Mr Channing of coneticut whom I knew—and introduced to me by name, but So indistincly, that I could not discover his Name; he informd me that he had been at your House the week before; Spoke of mr Peabody, and you, as old acquaintanc inquired...
If I write you ten Letters, to one from you, Still I Should be your debtor, for one of yours is worth ten of mine, and one over— yet in Love, and affection, the account Shall be balanced—I Shall always recollect with a pleasure, which I cannot describe, the Sensation I felt, when mr Woodard returnd from Russia and came to see me. I know well his Father, and Family, but him I had never Seen...
What is the reason I do not get a Letter from my Mother I think I hear you say? Why I will tell you Child. I have Sat down more than once, got through one page, been interrupted, laid it by—untill it seemd of no value. I love to be by myself when I write and that is a difficult thing in the winter season. the parlour your Father occupies all the forenoon in reading or writing. it is proper he...
I was much gratified at receiving a Letter from you, as well as at the play of fancy, and the fire of Imagination which you displayed in it, Neither your Severe Sickness, or the premature Winter which so early visited us, had power to damp the ardour of your intellects. they rather appear now burnished and refined. long, long may they be continued to Solace your Friends, and Cheer the Evening...
Your Letter my dear Sister lies yet unnoticed, or rather I Should Say unreplied too The intelligence from N orleans of the total defeat of the British forces with the circumstance of Such Slaughter amongst the assailants and such unheard of Protection of our troops, ought surely by every moral & Religious people to be asscribed to that Being to whom we pray, that our hands may be taught to war...
Since last monday, I have not been able to write you a line. I lived in bodily fear of the prevailing seve Disease knowing that an attendent was a distressing cough. on monday morning I rose all well as usual, compleated my Letters which were to go by John, and Sent them to the port. I Soon found I had a voilent fever in my head, accompanied with pain, which increasd with voilence, and my Eyes...
There is Surely a Secret Sympathy between us, for the very week in which you have written me I was contemplating to write you a Letter. I was only doubtfull where to address it. You have kindly removed this difficulty, and I have the pleasure to learn by your Letter that you have past the winter Socially with your Friends at Plimouth—Solitary you never were when inhabiting your own...
I rejoice to learn by Caroline’s letter to Susan, (which in her absence I took the liberty of opening,) that you had made an excursion to visit a friend. We stand in need of some variety to keep both body and mind in tune. The bountiful Parent of the universe has amply supplied our wants in this respect, by the succession of day and night, of seed time and harvest, of summer and winter, to...
I have received two very pretty Letters from you, with which I have been much pleased, both with the composition, and the hand writing. I should long ago, have written to you if I had known how to have conveyd my Letter to you! I think much about you, and your Mother, Since your Father left you, and more, Since your uncle and Aunt Smith; and your dear little Cousin have all come away I think...
Received Quincy December 28th., 1814 of Thomas B Adams Esqr., the sum of Twenty-one Dollars and seventy-five Cents, for one quarter’s interest due November 1st: on JQ Adams’s Note. $21.75 MHi : Adams Papers.
I beleive I have written you only one Letter since the commencment of the present Year, and I have received only one from you, dated last June, now Eight months. if you do not write more frequently to your Friends in washington, which I hope you do: have we not all reason to complain of you? Little miss Louisa, allowd by all to be a very fine child, has no right to exclude her unknown Friends...
upon my return from Boston where I passt a few days I found your very agreable Letter of october 28th for which accept my thanks. it afforded me much entertainment. the contrast between the Simplicity of Republicanism and the plain the, and then Manners, contrasted with the Stile of magnificence you describe affords ample scope for reflection, not that I consider it improper or unfit that the...
I write you a few lines just to say that I send your mother a century Sermon, preached in this town when your Grandfather was about four years old. He says he recollects the day—as his mother carried him to meeting and pointed out to him the old lady Penniman mentioned in the Sermon said to be near an hundred years old—The Sermon had got out of print—A number of persons who wished to preserve...
I began to feel very much in want of a talk from you, this morning it came. I had written my Eyes almost out to get Letters ready to go to Newyork which I now send, to go by the vessel you Speak of, but if that vessel is gone then please to put them all w under the cover which I Send for the purpose, and the Letter also addrest to John, but do not send the Letter to John, unless the others go;...
enclosed is the money which mrs Welsh advanced upon your account which you will pay her, and get her to Sign the Receit enclosed. you have not sent your shoes to be mended—& Charl e s if bare foot I have no compassion for as he would not take the trouble to call upon the shoe maker, he ought to feel the concequence—I Shall expect to see you on Saturday your affectionate G M MHi : Adams Papers.
upon looking over my list, I find that I have written to you a Letter every month, since october. my last Letter was in Janry 21st, written immediatly after receiving yours of Sepbr 21, informing me of the loss of your Dear Babe. I wrote to Mrs Adams at the Same time. the Letters went in a cartel to Liverpool, through the kindness of a Friend. Since that period I have not received a line from...
I have not yet acknowledged your favour of June 27th I go so seldom into the buisy world, that I can get little to amuse or entertain you with. Harriet too is yet with her Sister. She always had something of foreign or domestic to amuse us with—I miss her much, and that upon the Childrens account, as well as my own—The fourth of July has past with much Eclat, and good humour in Boston, with an...
yours of July 21, I received by the last Mail I was just going to ask the cause of your long Silence, when your Letter arrived and fully explaind it to me. I regrret that it arose from so many painfull causes, but our Lot is a Checkerd one. I have had a Share of late my dear Sister, whose Life I despared when I wrote last to you, Still Survives, for some little time We flatterd ourselves that...
No further intelligence from our Children has yet reached us my Dear Madam, than a Letter from mr Gray to his Mother dated in March, in which he mentions that mr Adams has an inflamation in his Eyes,and had hurt one of his Legs. I have always had a fear for Eyes, one of which was threatned with a complaint which might call for Surgecal operation, the constant glare from ice and snow in so cold...
My last Note went to you by mr Marston, with two Letters enclosed—I did not write on Saturday as mr A. calld before I had leisure in the morning—it is now five weeks Since Susan was confined, and She is not able to Sit up more than half the day—She has been much weakened by an inflamation and much pain. added to that, what is calld the Miliary Eruption, which I never before Saw, but which I...
I have not committed burglary this time—Caroline haven written in the cover, all well the 9th of Sep’br no I did not tell her of the liberty I took, So you need not go to frighten her least I should See clandestanly what you will communicate voluntaryly (Susan would Say See : G M—how you spell, So I will mend the word, voluntarily I did write you a note yesterday by the C. mail, did you not...