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Results 191-200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Jno. Adams Esqr. To Daniel Smith Dr. 1775 £  s d May 13th. To Bottle Brandy 2 6 26. To Bottle do. 2 6 July 10. To Quart Spirits 2
It gives me Pleasure to observe that this anniversary, like the preceding, brings with it Tidings which give us occasion for mutual Gratulations, and for united Thanksgivings to Him whose Blessings continue to prosper our Proceedings— These annual meetings naturally remind us of the Purposes for which we have associated; and lead us to Reflections highly interesting to those who consider what...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The natural tendency of philosophical minds to promote useful knowledge, seems to render an apology to you quite needless for the favour I’m going to request. I’m inform’d Sir, that the truely eminent Artist Mr. West is one of that Class of men who cultivates the Science he professes for the Sake of the Art only. A most laudable example indeed. A Young...
New York, 23 Oct. 1787. Introduces Mr. Jarvis, a “Gentleman of New England” who brings this letter and a copy of the proposed plan of government; refers TJ to Jarvis for news on that subject. Is sending a full account of the convention in another letter of this day which is being carried by “the Chevalier Jones” who intended sailing on the packet but changed his passage to another ship because...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This letter speaks of preparations for a major American naval move, Wickes’s cruise in the Irish Sea. The commissioners had summoned him to Paris in mid-March, and out of their consultations had come the plan for the cruise. The tiny squadron was to consist of the Reprisal and a cutter, renamed the Dolphin , which had been intended for a packet and was now...
By the last Post I informed you of my intended meeting with Sir Guy Carleton for settling, among other things, a plan for restoring the Negros and other property belonging to the Citizens of the United States. This meeting I have held; & tho it has been interrupted by the indisposition of Sir Guy, which has, this morning, carried him back to New York; yet, I have collected enough to convince...
On the 3d Instant I was favored with Your Excellency’s letter of the 30th ult. I have for ten days Successively deferred writing In hopes that I should have been able At last to have advised you that public business was closely attended to In this quarter, and that we had adopted Measures to disencumber us from that Variety of embarrasment we experience, but alas! we have made little or no...
198[Diary entry: 25 December 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Raining more or less all day with the Wind fresh from the Southward. Snow intirely dissolv’d.
[ White Plains, New York ] September 1, 1778 . Requests Hamilton’s intercession to prevent Copp’s discharge from service. ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives. Copp was a captain of the First New York Regiment.
200General Orders, 28 July 1779 (Washington Papers)
The extreme importance of having the works and defences at and about West-Point on both sides the river completed with all possible dispatch is so obvious that the General conceives it totally unnecessary to use arguments in proof of it—In the present unfinished state of them they are a restraint upon every operation and movement of an Army and must continue to be so until they are put in such...