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Results 191-200 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The above is copied from the Times 1 and more in detail than the announcement in the Sunday Times which I have sent you because it contains the substance of the debates in less tedious compass than the daily papers. I shall watch the motions of the bill: if it embrace completely the object of my Letter to Sir James Graham à la bonne heure; if not I shall find the means to suggest amendments....
I should have had this pleasure sooner, but for a severe cold, which confined me to the house for near a week, prevented me calling on Messrs Key & Biddle, agreeably to the request contained in your letter of the 16th ulto. Enclosed I send you their Receipt for your subscription to the American Quarterly Review for the next year. We were much gratifyed to learn that you and Mrs Madison had...
Your late letter in the New York Commercial Advertiser having referred to my recollection of what passed between us as to revolutionary subjects for the paintings provided for by Congress, it may be a satisfaction to yourself for me to say, that you justly inferred from it, that the omission of the battle of Bunkers Hill, in the final selection, did not proceed from the circumstance that it...
I have thought it possible that you might have by you some manuscripts which you would have no objection to seeing transferred to the columns of the Literary Messenger—provided the copy could be returned to you without being soiled. If you have, and will do me the kindness to forward any thing to me, I will take good care that it shall be returned to free from injury. Will you be kind enough...
I find there is an oppy for Letters to reach the Packet of the 16th at Portsmouth. I have therefore had my Notes on the Relations with France transferred from the Shorthand, and cover them herein. If they reach the Coffee House in time, you will get them by the same Ship that takes my Letter of the 16th. I suppose the question of the Speakership is settled, and that by this Ship you will hear...
J. Madison with his respectful compliments to Mr. Van Buren, returns his thanks for the Copy of Mr Adams’ Oration on the "Life & character of Lafayette." It is a signal illustration of the powers & resources of the Orator; and will deservedly aid in making more known, a Character, which will be the more admired, the more it is known. ( MHi : Adams Papers); FC (DLC) .
As the most secure mode of paying the inclosed account I trouble you with a request that you will apply five dollars for the purpose, and return the account with the receipt. A letter of late date from your brother Isaac mentioned that all friends at and about Enniscorthy were in good health. We hope neither yours, or that of Mrs. Coles has suffered from this irregular and hard Winter. Mine...
"There is no knowing who will be Governor till after Election," as they say in New England; and the question who will be Speaker of the H. C. is equally doubtful. In the abstract it is of small import: for as Lenthall said he must have no eyes nor ears but those of the House. But as a trial of the strength of parties I hold it no small matter. The appearance of the day is in favor of the...
I assure you sir that it is with feelings of reserve that I now intrude myself upon your notice, knowing of your extreme age and thinking it also difficult for you to write. But yet being advised by my friends to write to you for the purpose of getting your Autograph I would take this opportunity of politely requesting it. The reason why I wish for it is that I am making an Autograph Book and...
I have recd your favour inclosing a copy of your "View of the Committee powers of Congress." Without entering into questions which may grow out of the twofold character of the Senate of the U. S. as a Legislative, and Judicial Body, your observations suggest a fuller investigation and more accurate definition of the privileges and authorities, of the several Departments & Branches of our...