George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Lieutenants Jonathan Snowden, Eden Burrowes, et al., 14 April 1779

To Lieutenants Jonathan Snowden, Eden Burrowes, et al.

Head Quarters Middlebrook 14 April 1779.


In order that I may be fully informed on the subject of your complaint, I have transmitted Brig: Gen: Maxwell a copy of your letter of the 6th instant; to be communicated to the Officers who were appointed to settle the respective ranks in the 1st Jersey regiment; and desired to be made acquainted with the reasons which induced them to the arrangement1—When I am possessed of these I shall not fail to take such measures as the nature of the case will admit;2 agreeable to justice and the honor of the parties. I am Gentn &.

Df, in James McHenry’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1The letter of 6 April has not been identified, but see William Maxwell to GW, 12 April, n.4, and GW to Maxwell, this date.

2GW wrote “the nature of the case will admit” on the draft in place of “are strictly,” which he marked out.

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