Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 27 March 1807

March 27 1807

Dear Sir

Apprehending that the attorney general may have carried away my letter to you respecting the act of last session on the subject of the Orleans & Louisiana claims, I enclose a copy of it. It is necessary that the act should be transmitted to the several land officers: and if the state of your health will permit a few moments attention, not to the question of law which is not easy of solution, but to that of policy, vizt whether we shall interfere or not, the sooner we put the boards in a state of activity, the better it will tend to quiet the people. There are still three vacancies which should be early filled—two land commissioners for Opelousas, and a receiver of public monies for Detroit vice Bates, as Taylor whom you had nominated to the Senate will be transferred to Jeffersonville.

With respectful attachment Your obedt. Sevt.

Albert Gallatin

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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