James Madison Papers

John Hartwell Cocke to James Madison, 5 May 1828

Bremo May 5. 1828

Dear Sir,

At the time I united with Mr Johnson, in declining to assent to the immediate appointment of Mr. Ritchie to the vacant Chair of Nat. Philosophy in the U—I consider’d we were in some degree committed by our understanding with Dr. Jones to pursue, this course—I am now informed, by a letter from Dr. Jones that he has accepted the appointment to the patent office, at Washington. And seeing the evils, that have already resulted from the vacancy in this important Chair—also, being satisfied with the recommendations in favour of Mr. Ritchie—upon further reflection—under these new circumstances, I am disposed to unite with Mr. Rives in authorising the immediate offer of the Appointment to Mr. Ritchie—

I see no other obstacle to my full concurrence in support of the suggestion of Mr. Trist—but that I have heard, a very poor & a very deserving young Man—(Tutwiler who you know has already distinguished himself at the University) would probably be very glad to get the appointment in question, as the only means of preparing himself for some future vacant professorship. I am Dr. sir, Yours with high regard & Esteem

John H. Cocke sen.


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