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Results 1901-1950 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I recd. in due time your favor of accompanied by the Report on the Penal Code &c I am sorry that...
I cannot better comply with the wish of Mr. Eppes, than by committing to your perusal the...
At the time I united with Mr Johnson, in declining to assent to the immediate appointment of Mr....
J. Madison returns his thanks to Mr. Southard for the copy of his "Address before the Columbian...
Your favr. of Apl. 12 came duly to hand, with the little pamphlets accompanying it: for which I...
On the rect. of your letter of the 21st. Ult: concurred in by Genl. Cocke, I wrote to Mr Laurence...
Although it is now some years since I had the pleasure of seeing you at Montpelier, I assure you,...
Mr. Green returns the money enclosed and regrets that his clerk inadvertently sent an account to...
I have just recd. from Mr Gilmer the desired copy of the Power of Attorney to his brother, and...
Your favor of 27th ult, went first to Williamsburg, & has been forwarded to me at this place. I...
I am given to understand that there will shortly be a vacancy in the Chair of professor of the...
With many thanks for your attention to my late request, I inclose a letter in duplicate for our...
I have recd. your letter of the 9th. inst: & every disposition is felt to relieve you from the...
Your letter of Novr 29. was acknowledged by mine of Mar. 15. soon after which I was favored with...
I have recd. your favor of the 17th. & thank you for the copy of Mr. Jeffersons letter to Mr....
Your letter of the 24. March, accompanied, by the testimonials in favor of Mr. Ritchie and Mr....
I beg leave to present to you the Revnd Mr. Jasper Adams, Principal of the Charleston College in...
By the request of Mr Trist, I send to you, a copy, of the power of attorney, from the University...
I send herewith a copy of the Report of the Commissioners Appointed by the Governor Of this state...
On going over to Edge-hill yesterday, I learned that the letter you wrote for a copy of, sometime...
The packet ship Algonquin commanded by my friend Captain Charles Dixey will punctually sail on...
I have a young friend here who wishes to obtain the appointment of District Attorney for Key...
I recd. by the last mail your favor of the 5th. A newspaper had apprized me a few days before of...
Payne having failed to come into the City, I went out last evening to see him at the Water works....
J. Madison incloses $15: The balance of $3. after paying the $12. charged for the Telegraph, to...
I send you by this mail some of my recent lucubrations, of which I request your acceptance. I...
Taking the white sheet in which the papers were wrapped, for a mere envelope; I did not notice...
J. Madison has received the copy of the "Observations on the proposed amendment of Mr. Foot",...
It is much to be regretted that most subscribers to newspapers are negligent in remitting the...
Wishing a safe & early conveyance for a letter to Mr. Maury our Consul at Liverpool, I take the...
My search among the papers here, has proved equally ineffectual. I shall see Mr Gilmer to-day,...
I have searched the papers here in vain, for the power of attorney; and it will be impossible to...
Do me the favor to have the enclosed handed to Genl. Cocke, if he should be at your Court on...
Your favor of Jany 29-30. with the interesting Gazettes then & afterwards kindly sent, have been...
I have recd. your two letters of Mar. 30. and Apl. 1. the letter inclosing a copy of the contract...
I recd. by the last mail your letter of the 2d. inst. on the subject of the negroes of Mrs. Smith...
I recd. yesterday yours of the 29th. ult: inclosing your correspondence with Docr. Jones. It is...
Mr. Gallatin forwarded to me, by the last Liverpool Packet, your letters to Mr. Brown and to the...
I have duly recd. your letter of Mar. 30. No apology was necessary for the enquiry it makes. I...
You have obliged us very much by your favor of the 29th. ult. It gave us the first knowledge of...
The subject of my communication, will plead my apology for this intrusion upon your retirement....
(promissory note) $1200 Sixty days after date I promise to pay to the order of Richard Smith...
A steady rain all day yesterday prevented my going to the University then. The hour at which the...
Before committing myself as I did in my letter of the 29 of January, I ought to have been better...
By the kindness of the Vice President, I am enabled to foward a set of the Fredoniad as the work...
After apologizing for the liberty I take as a stranger in addressing you will you permit me to...
J Madison presents his best respects to Mr. McDuffie and returns his thanks for the copy of the...
I have to acknowledge your two favors of the 8th & 27th instant. The last came to hand yesterday...
Yours of the 9 Inst. inclosing Mr. Lawrences letter reached me in due course of Mail. Whatever we...
You will doubtless be surprised to find that I am here. It was my intention to have remained in...