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Results 18951-19000 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
your kind letter of september 2nd though received in season has not yet been answered or...
On Thursday night I received from the Post Office your favour of October the second. Although it...
Sobrius esto! Recollect your own Non Nobis! Your Letter of the 20th. of September I communicated...
By the last mail I received your favour of the 7th instant, informing me that your son has...
On the receipt of your Letter of June 4th. I lost no time I communicating it to your Sister and...
Your obliging Letter of August 16th was presented to me by your son in law Dr Thomas Ewell and...
I have taken the liberty to express my gratitude to the first of men, by sending another portion...
All my family rejoice with yours in the happy issue of the operation performed upon Mrs Smiths...
I take the liberty of enclosing you herewith a Pamphlet of Nimrod Hughes’s prophecy as well as a...
I sincerely thank you for your kind letter of the 15th— It always affords me the highest...
Owing to an unusual press of matter for the two last papers we have been compelled to postpone...
I have received your kind Letter of the 31st of October and regret with you the loss of part of a...
Be pleased to accept my cordial congratulations on the felicity of your Family in the arrival of...
Rough draft of the passport for British Ships. We, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and John Jay,...
The journal proceeds—1783, Monday, May 5th.—Dined with my family at comte Sarsefields. The dukes...
Alas! What a difference between your last, and former letters!—Instead of being charmed with the...
I received in season your obliging favour of the 27th of October, but an unusual combination of...
On this our Thanksgiving day, among innumerable other Blessings, I have to thank express my...
Colonel Pickering in his Letters or Addresses to The People of The United States has represented...
Colonel Pickering in his Letters or Addresses to the People of The United States has represented...
As I have heretofore had the honour to request your acceptance of such Discourses as my people...
In reply to your letter of the 25th of this month, just received, I have no hesitation in stating...
I had the honor yesterday to receive your letter of the 25h. Ulto. in which you Say—“That Coll....
A present of a thanksgiving sermon from a Gentleman whome I have highly esteemed and honoured for...
At lenght I succeed in Sending you the outlines of the contemplated work, which I could have,...
A Visit from you my good Friend, would be a cordial, and if honoured by His Honour would raise my...
Shall I congratulate or condole with you on the appointment of your Son to be Comptroller of The...
Permit me to present, for the honor of Your acceptance, a copy of a “Compendium” which I lately...
Yesterday I received from the Post Office in this Town, your favour of the thirtieth of November...
You have touched me in a sore place in your letter of the 4th instant. My Son Richard has...
What is common Law in England has been Subject to disputes enough. In Blackstones Commentaries...
I have received your letter of the first of this month, in answer to mine of the twenty fifth of...
Mr Jefferson and I exchange letters Once in six, nine or twelve Months. This day I received a few...
The Journal proceeds—1783, May 22, Thursday. This morning I drew the following letters too be...
I thank you for The Copy of The Presidents Message, and for the Volume of Documents. They do...
When I was a Boy, not ten years old, I heard Smith Richard Thayer, a great Authority, say “When...
Lord! Lord! What a Coat you have cutt out? It would require an hundred Taylors for twenty years...
The journal of the 22d of May 1783, proceeds— Mr. Hartley’s observations and propositions left...
I never was so much at a loss how to answer a Letter, as yours of the 16th. Shall I assume a...
During the time Cobbett was abusing me in his newspaper to the great joy of a number of our tory...
I have taken the liberty to enclose to you a Prospectus of a work, which I am about printing,...
Paris. June 14, 1783. Gentlemen—Permit me to address the enclosed Memorial to your excellencies,...
As you are a Friend to American Manufactures under proper restrictions, especially Manufactures...
Mr. Hartley’s memorial—June 1, 1783. The proposition which has been made for an universal and...
By this time we were pretty well convinced that the coalition cabinet would do nothing by treaty,...
I have recd. your favour of the 26th. of Decr. You mention Cobbet. have you read Mr Randolphs...
Your Favour of the 23. Ult, with its in closed Sketch, Skeleton, Frame, Plan, Scheme, System,...
“Arma, Cestusque”, parmamque “repono,” upon the offensive subject of one of my late letters to...
My last letter contained the journal of the 19th of June, 1783, and completes the copy of that...
Enclosed in a communication for the Palladium. I shall delay forwarding it to the Printers for a...