George Washington Papers

Memorandum, 16 May 1756


[Winchester, 16 May 1756]

A copy of the above Instructions was given to Lieutenant Hedgman, of the Stafford Militia; only he was ordered to Harness’s Fort.1


1Lieutenant Hedgman could have been either of two brothers, William Hedgman (1732–1765) or George Hedgman (1734–1760), sons of Maj. Peter Hedgman (c.1700–1765), a member of the House of Burgesses for Prince William County from 1732 until 1740 and for Stafford County, 1742–1758; but he was probably the younger brother, George Hedgman, who had resigned his ensign’s commission in the Virginia Regiment in February 1756 after serving since the preceding fall. See GW’s Orders for the Militia, 15 May 1756.

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