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Results 1861-1890 of 184,431 sorted by author
To know that your Mother has been Sick of a dangerous fever, and that She is Still in a low weaks State, and that you have not been to see her, gives me pain, and must Sensibly affect her. you that possess a Heart and mind Sensibly alive to every benevolent feeling cannot possibly be wanting in that fillial tenderness, and affection So justly due to one of the best of parents. Speedily...
It was not untill after Susan returnd last evening, that I received your Letter of Saturdays date, oweing to the Severity of the Storm, we neither got our Saturdays, Patriot, nor yet our Wednesdays altho we Sent to the office for it. accordingly I never Saw the extract; we never wanted to see the papers more than last week, and never were more dissappointed. the news of Peace seemd to distract...
I received your Letter written upon the Birth-day of my only daughter, and memorable to me for that occasion, as well as the Eleventh of the Same Month upon which was Born J Q Adams, and a Sister whom I lost, and whom no doubt you recollect from the circumstances attending it, for you were with me. so much for Egotism. now I will replie to your queries. in the first place, I have the pleasure...
I have not had any opportunity of writing to you before—indeed I have been So occupied: that I have not had time, for beside Sickness, the good folk who love Sleighing have many of them embraced this opportunity of visiting us; and Louissa wants constant watching to Supply her by little & little with the small nourishment She takes and to See that She does not exceed her Strength by Sitting up...
I address you upon a subject of much delicacy and which from circumstances which must be well known to you makes me diffident in presenting to your view the oldest Revolutiary Feild officer now Living. I presume I need not name to you his former Services, nor the loss of property which his Family sustaind by the Enemy, nor the wounds he received in the Service, or those qualification, which so...
When President Munroe was upon his Tour Surrounded by the Military, encompassed by Citizens, harased by invitations to parties—and applications innumerable for office—Some Gentleman asked him if he was not compleatly worn out with fatigue —to which he replied—o No—a little flattery will Support a man through great fatigue—I may apply the observation to myself and Say that the flattery in your...
your Letter of july 26th has lain by me unanswerd untill now. your own mind will easily suggest to you the multiplied cares and anxieties through which I have passt since that date and plead my excuse.— the destination of my dear son and family to a foreign country, at this period of the lives, of both his Father and Mother has been a trial to us of the most a most painfull & tender kind we...
I requested judge Cranch, when he returnd to washington, to apologize to you; for my not replying sooner, to your obligeing favour of Septr 17th. and to give you the reason for it; which was a very bad finger upon my Right hand, which prevented my holding a pen. altho the cause is not wholy removed, I cannot deny myself the pleasure of incloseing to you a Letter from our daughter: written at...
The Letters you forwarded to me, for Saint Petersburgh, I had an opportunity of Sending immediatly through the Russian Consul. mr Gray has a vessel which will Sail Soon, for the North, by which I can Send Letters, if you please to forward any. would their be any impropriety in inquiring, either of the Secretary of State, or Navy; if any vessel is orderd to petersburgh to bring home mr Adams?...
I think I once heard you Say—to make a thing choice it Should be rare. your kind Letter last Evening received—possesst both those qualities. The very Sight of your hand writing—addresd as formerly gave a Spring to my Spirits, and your Father Sprung from the settee to place himself by my Side, while I read it to him—I have foreborne writing to you, during the Session of Congress, being...
I received this morning your Letter of 10th I feard that you were Sick, not hearing from you by the last mail, and knowing that you had a hoars cold. fevers upon the lungs are very prevalent at this time, and voilent inflamations upon the Throat. Susan who has been much with her Aunt, was this morning taken, or rather yesterday was seizd with the disorder to an allarming degree—we were obliged...
I wrote to you on Monday by mr Cruft in much anxiety about John requesting you to let hear from you pr post, if not by osburn—I have not heard a word Since. I mentiond I beleive Sending to Mr Fosters, but I had as good send to wisscasset—I got the carpet on Saturday by Mr Beal, but did not know it, when I wrote to you. I like it much. thank you. but I made the Crape answer tho not very...
The Bill which Our Tennant has presented must I presume be allowd him: the repairs were necessary I have not any doubt. he ought not however to do these things without consulting us. have you leazed him the place an other Year? does he comply with the terms of his lease? I wish you to keep the Rent you receive always Seperate from any other Charges. I have devoted it the years past to the...
you will Smile my dear Madam when I tell you, that I began a Letter to you, wrote two pages, and was then call’d down to company, left it upon my table by the side of a window, and when I returnd to finish it, it had taken to itself wings and flown away, not a trace of it could I find pray have the faries borne it to you in its unfinished state as a punishment to me for having so long delayed...
I received your Letter of March 2d which has increased my anxiety to hear again from you, for a series of misfortunes Seem to have clustered around you. pray inform me how mrs Frye her Husband and Children are? I scarcly expect to hear the last are living. what a Scene you had to pass through? I do not wonder you were Sick—That Erysipelas which has Several times troubled you, is a very...
our Neighbor mr Apthorp is going to Lisbon and I embrace this, as one of the best opportunities for conveying Letters to you through mr Beasley in England.I have written to you every Month, and sent my Letters to you through various channels. Some of my Letters will probably reach you, as they contain Such intelligence as has the most rapid wings. I mean those which convey melancholy truths,...
As Congress are going to lay an Embargo, of sixty days, the Bill having already past the House, all is hurry and Dispatch to get every vessel to Sea before it passes into a Law, in three days one hundred were cleard at the Single port of N york thirty from Boston. how many from Salem and the numerous ports in this state we have not yet learnt, how many of them will be permitted to return Safe;...
your Note I received and thank you for it, altho it gave me much anxiety upon your & mrs Bailey’s account. I fear you will lose your dear little Girl, Yet she has youth of her side, and naturally a fine Constitution, but the poor child has had to contend with two diseases, the last of which is shocking from its long continuance—I know by my own confinement how long you have had a very Sick...
I hope my dear Lady, you will not think I intrude upon your Hospitality by my frequent introduction of my Friends to your acquaintance. it is a tax you must pay for Superiour Merit—Miss Eliza Sumner, the Sister of the Lady to whom I gave Letters last winter Mrs Wells with her Brother Col. Sumner intend passing part of the winter in washington. Mrs Wells, who met with so kind reception from mr...
Your Letter No 80 December 27th 1815 I have received—Since my last Letter to you, which I think was in Jan’ry, I then wrote to you, under an impression, that it would prove my Last. But it has pleased Heaven to keep me yet longer from the Skies—I cannot Say, but at times, I have felt a regreet, at being like to return again to the world—of which I have, more of a prospect, than for months...
I have been frozen up almost ever since I received your last kind Letter. such severe weather we have not experienced for many years. writing has been quite out of the question with me. To keep myself from quite congealing to a statue, I have kept close to the fire side, reading porters travelling sketches in Russia, and Sweeden. I could never have read them; feeling so much interested as at...
The Milo Captain Glover is to sail on Sunday the Second of July. I will not let him go without a few lines, altho I have not received any return, or acknowledgment of those Letters, I Sent by him in March, nor heard from you, Since your date of the 20th of that Month All calculation are Set at nought, with respect to the Hostile aspect of Europe—and we look—and wait, listen & anticipate,...
Welcome home again—I received by mrs Adams your Note, and Carolines, the Same Mail brought me a Letter from Susan of the 7th from utica, saying that the Carriage was at the door waiting to convey them to Albany, from thence they should proceed to Fishkill—and I suppose would arrive there just about the time Caroline intended Setting out. which may retard them a day or two—I hope however if...
Your affectionate Letter of December 19th reach’d me a few days since, and found me and the rest of the family in good Health, and Spirits, blessing for which we ought to be truly thankfull. as all the Gifts of providence are enhanced and enjoyed with tenfold pleasure when attended by them, we can never so justly appreciate the blessing we enjoy, as when we are deprived of them. I was glad to...
Altho I have written to you, more than once since I have received a Letter from you, I know how gratefull it is, to absent Friends to hear from each other, especially when to learn, that they are living; can be added, the agreable circumstance of their being in health. with gratitude to Heaven, I can Say; I was brought low, but I am raised up. I have this week visited my Friends in Boston,...
I must inclose a Note to you, to Say that this morning the mail from Utica in N york, informd me that I am again a Great Grandmother, Abbe Johnson was deliverd of a son upon the 3rd. of this Month, mr Johnson writes that he has a head of Black hair and black Eyes. a fine Boy you may be sure. and that he has taken the Liberty to call him after his Great Grandfather, Mother and Babe well upon...
After I returnd from your hospitable Mansion where the scenes of former days were pleasin g ly renewd I had the Subjects of contraversy between two ancient Friends and upon a review—I must Candedly Say that I judged both in the wrong, and am certain if personal intercourse from unavoidable circumstances had not been obstructed, neither party would so have judged, or so have written— I was can...
Miss Ann Beal deliverd me your Letter this morning at meeting. you will see by my Letter of fryday Evening how much the President was dissapointed both by the travelling and weather. we adjournd the club on purpose. to day the travelling is better than since the snow fell. I have lookd up the articles you requested, and judging others by myself, that a kind turn will not be considerd as a...
It was not untill this morning that I received your Letter of December 5th No 79, just five months from the date. where it has been ever since, I know not. it came to me from Nyork, and had just arrived there. The subject of it, you will Remember by turning to your coppy. There is not any reasoning which can convince me, contrary to my Senses, that Three, is one, and one three. Is it possible...
I received your favour of Novbr 20th and rejoiced to learn that you reachd Washington in safety with your young Charge. it is an important undertaking to travel such a distance with so young a Baby, by land and by water, but you have been accustomed to it, and therefore feel less embarressd with it than others would be. the little fellow seems to be Born for deeds of greater hardihood than his...