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Results 1861-1870 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
You are desired with the Detachment under your command, to proceed (on your arrival at the mouth of Patterson’s-Creek) as Escort to Governor Innis, to Fort Cumberland. Yours LB , DLC:GW .
Letter not found: to Adam Stephen, 12 May 1756. On 19 May 1756 Stephen wrote to GW : “I reced yours of the twelveth.”
I had the Pleasure to receive Yrs of the 11th inst. by Bryan Fx who I find is so well pleasd with the little military Atchievement He has experienct, that He is desirous of pursuing that Life. I have accordingly encouragd Him and to hope that You have Affection enough to give Him a Lieutenancy as no doubt there are some Vacancys and I heard the Governor tell one Matthew Bowyer (who applied for...
186412 [i.e. 13] Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening with Mr. Swan at home.
May 13th An express came from Colo. Peyton informg that a Sergt & 14 Men deserted last Night from him at Paris’s Fort and desireing a Reinforcement I was oblig⟨d⟩ to Countermand the Order’s to the King George Militia & to, then send them to join him with order’s to remain in Ashbys Fort and they accordingly Marchd 29 in number under Lieutt Nugent the rest were Sick & deserted. and this N, 4...
1866Orders, 13 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
Colonel Washington has heard that the Soldiers are uneasy about their Pay—He takes this method to acquaint them, that they shall receive their full pay, so soon as the Pay master can come down, or they march to, Fort Cumberland. A Regimental Court Martial to sit immediately, for trial of John Robinson, Aaron Paul, and John Grant. LB , DLC:GW . According to GW’s orders on 15 May, James Clark...
You are hereby Ordered, with the Detachment under your command, to proceed to join Colonel Henry Peyton and his party of Militia, with the utmost expedition; and take your Orders from him. Acquaint him that it is my desire, he leave you and your party in one of these Forts, he is ordered to reinforce. While you remain in the Fort, you are to take your orders from the commanding Officer there;...
1868Orders, 13 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
Nathaniel Giles, James Joyce, and Edward Chatham, enlisted by Captain Christopher Gist—Philip Hands, enlisted by captain Peachey—on review, are found unfit for Service, and Discharged. After Orders. One Field Officer, four Captains, five Lieutenants, four Ensigns, twelve Sergeants; two hundred and three rank and file, of the Militia of Caroline, Spotsylvania, Stafford and Culpepper, are to...
1869Council of War, 14–15 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War, Held at Winchester, the 14th day of May, 1756; for considering and determining upon the necessary measures to be taken at this juncture with the Militia ordered here by His Honor, the Governor. Colonel George Washington, President. Colonel Spotswood } { Colonel Martin Colonel Baylor Colonel Thornton Members Colonel Lee Colonel Slaughter Colonel Fitzhugh Colonel Muse...
187013 [i.e. 14]. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at the Colonels.—Not one new Idea this Week.