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Results 1861-1870 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Be so obliging as to complete the address of the inclosed letter to Mr. Eppes in answer to one recd. from him at Tallahassee, whence I presume he has got back to Virga. You will find the Debate in the Brit: H. of Commons on the subject of Canada, interesting in a historical as well as several other views. Mrs. M. has recd the welcome letter from Mrs. Randolph; and if she does not now answer it...
The duplicate of your letter of the 25th. of April, did not reach me till the 9th. ins. and the original has not yet been received. On learning your wishes, I lost no time in endeavouring to obtain the information which you desire; but as I did not know Mr. Ritchie’s address it was only through Mr. Key that I could commmunicate with him and the absence of the latter gentleman from town has...
My Father desires me to thank you for your letter of the 10 Ins t : & for the friendly sentiments it expresses. He regrets that it is not in his power to assure you in his own hand writing that those sentiments are sincerely reciprocated. In the Spring of last year a slight injury rec d . in his ^right^ hand was succeeded by violent inflammation & gangrene— The Ulcer was healed after the lapse...
I have recd. Sir, your letter requesting information as to a particular feature in the University of Virginia. The inclosed copy of its Enactments will furnish that & whatever else relating to the polity of the Institution may be acceptable. In reminding me of your father with whom I was a cotempory member of the Revolutionary Congress, I have an oppy. of expressing as I do wth. pleasure the...
I embrace with pleasure the present opportunity of renewing an intercourse which has ever been a source of high gratification to me. The opportunity is the more acceptable as I am enabled to serve two much valued friends by bringing them acquainted with you—Dr Robert M Patterson one of the Vice Presidents & Mr J R Kane one of the Secretaries, of the American Philos Socy—Who meant to pay a...
As the time for the meeting of the Visitors will soon be here, arrangements must be made for their accommodation, it would give me great pleasure to know your wishes on the subject. Two Pavilions will be vacant the One formerly occupied by Mr. Bonnycastle and the one now occupied by Mr Long one or both can be fitted up as is most agreeable to you—The Horses of the Visitors can be provided for...
I have already apprised you of your mistake of the day for the meeting of the Visitors, which is the 10 th not the 15th. of July. I now wish you to know that we propose to pay a visit to Col: Lindsay, on our way, and on the following day, another. This will make it necessary to set out on Monday the 8th. You must not fail therefore to be here on the saturday or sunday preceding, and as much...
I received yours of the 3d. instt, a few days after our arrival here, and shall profit of the information you have given me, that the meeting of the Visitors takes place, on the 10th. & not the 15th. of next month, at the University, as I had supposed. It is my intention to depart hence, for Loudon, in time to enable me, to make arrangements for the harvest, & other concerns there, & to reach...
It has been much the wish of Mrs. Madison & myself to give a call at Barboursville whilst you remain there: but find it will not be in our power. We trust it will be in yours, if not before, to make a stage & pass a day at least with Mrs. Barbour and your family, at Montpellier, on the way to the port of your departures; to whom with yourself, we offer our joint and best salutations. RC ( ViHi...
We feel much obliged to you and Mrs Madison for your kind invitation to call on you before our leaving the neighbourhood—We had intended to do so as a mark of our regard and to take an affectionate farewell But we regret the suggestion of your inability to see us at Barboursville—and still hope to do so—Our Children will be up by thursday [se ennights] when we shall be most happy to see you...