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Results 1851-1860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Sovereign of Britain and his Council have determined to instruct their Commissioners to offer you Independance, provided you will disconnect yourselves from France. The Question arises how came the King and Council, by Authority to offer this? It is certain that they have it not. In the next Place, is the Treaty of Alliance between Us and France, now binding Upon Us? I think there is not...
I have recieved the specimens of straw-plaiting which you were so kind as to inclose & learn with satisfaction the possibility that you may establish the manufacture in some of the states. but the distribution of powers by our general & state constitutions has placed in the general government no authority to embark in or to encourage any in particular. the state governments can do it; but they...
1853General Orders, 31 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in cheif cannot help expressing his thanks to the officers commanding divisions, brigades, & corps, and to the Adjutant and Quartermaster generals for their very punctual attention to the orders of yesterday. by which the first considerable move that has been attempted by water was made with the utmost regularity and good order. The Brigade Quarter master will see that the boats...
ALS : Yale University Library A few days ago your Friend Mr. Alexander forwarded to me from Virginia your favor of the 2d: November accompanied with a packet for Dr. Cooper of Boston, which I shall forward to him by some private hand, to save expence of postage; having already found that expence from Virginia pretty heavy, for not withstanding your name was on the packet, as a frank, the post...
The undersigned, his Britannic Majesty’s Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States of America, has the honor of submitting to the Secretary of State the following particulars relative to the capture, in the Bay of Delaware, of the British ship Grange commanded by Edward Hutchinson and bound from this port to Liverpool. On Thursday the 25th. of April last at 11 o’clock A.M. as the Ship...
27 August 1803, Barcelona . His last letter informed JM that “Leonard had arriv’d here and that he was soon to take possession of the Consulate.” Has given up the office but wishes to be reinstated once his “innocence and exertions for the common interest” of his country are established. “I am inform’d every day that Mr Leonard has secret instructions to arrest me and send me to the U.S.… I...
The Judges are now here— Judge Cushing is under the Hands of D r Tate who is Said to have wrought many Cures of Cancers and particularly one for the President. The Judge appears to be under serious apprehensions for something in his Lip which he thinks is a Cancer but his hopes from Tates Prescriptions seem to be lively. M rs Washington is happy in the Company of her three Grand daughters, the...
A very unfortunate controversy has arisen between the Representatives of the late Colo. Wm. Campbell and Colo. Shelby of Kentucky in relation to the Conduct of the former at the Battle of Kings mountain fought in South Carolina during the revolutionary War. Some private letters of Colo. Shelby, were inadvertently published which charge him a shamefull dereliction of Duty at the most critical...
1 February 1811. “Recd. of the President of the U. States his letter to the Secretary of the Treasury U.S. [not found] directing a Warrant for 1.000 on account of the fund for furnishing the President house to be issued in my favor.” Ms ( DLC ). 1 p. In Latrobe’s hand.
1860[Diary entry: 17 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
17. Clear & pleasant with but little Wind. Evening Cool.