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Results 1851-1860 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have received your very kind letter of the 26. Ult. We had neither changed our purpose, nor forgotten our promise, to take Castle Hill in our way to the University. We hope for the pleasure of being there on the forenoon of Tuesday the 8th. inst., proceeding the next day, to our destination. In the mean time we pray Mrs. Rives & yourself to accept our best respects & our cordial salutations....
I have recd. gentlemen, your note of the 23. inst. in which I am invited in such terms to partake with a portion of fellow Citizens of this County of a dinner on the approaching 4th. of July. The pleasure I should feel in meeting them on such an occasion, wd. be more than sufficient inducement to avail myself of the invitation but several circumstances will concur, at that time, in putting it...
You were appointed a delegate, with six others at a large meeting of our citizens on monday, to represent the county in the convention proposed to be held in Charlottesville, on the 10th of July, to deliberate RC (fragment) (DLC) .
I have just recd. the enclosed letter with the notice it refers to, which I have duly acknowledged. Be so good as to hand the papers to Mr. Wood as requested; and give to the case whatever attention may be proper on the part of the University. I have not seen the Act of Assembly, but take for granted the course pursued is authorized by it. With friendly respects FC (NN : Emmet Collection).
As the period for the meeting of the visitors of the University is now near at hand, I take the liberty to remind you of your promise, & of our hopes, that, on your way thither, you will do us the favour to spend a day with us. We hope that Mrs. Madison will find, in the pleasure her society would afford to numerous friends in this county, a sufficient inducement to accompany you; & in this...
I inclose a draft on Col Peyton in Richd: to discharge the note referred to in your letter of . This having been mislaid, & owing to a [ tion] or 9 [casualty], the precise date and amt. of the note not being ascertainable, I have named in the draft the sum of $600. with a blank which you will be good eno’ to fill with whatever will make it correspond, with the debt. Should this course not...
This will be handed to you by Mr. Benjamin Randolph. He is charged with subscription papers for the Works of his Grandfather Mr. Jefferson, and expects much advantage from the friendly countenance of those most known to & respected by the people of the counties he is visiting. I need not, I am sure, make any apology for recommending him to yours; being persuaded that your personal dispositions...
It was my intention to have seen or written to you before this. But I was detained in Richd. by a bilious attack, and since my arrival here I have been in daily expectation of a visit from Mr. Stevenson, who promised me to be here, and to accompany me on a visit to you & Mrs. Madison. By this days mail I got a letter from him in which he informed me he should be compelled to postpone his visit...
I have recd. yours of the 17th. communicating your obliging views for the accomodation of the Visitors at their meeting next month. As there will be two vacant Pavillions, it may be as well that both be used on the occasion, as more convenient, especially for a full board as may be expected. But I willingly leave the whole arrangement to your own discretion, with such suggestions as may be...
Mrs. Madison receives your kind remembrance of her with the sensibility of an old friend, as you justly consider her, and desires me to offer you, & Mrs. Eppes her affecti[o]nate wishes for your happiness: to which I add mine with assurances of my cordial esteem & regard FC (DLC) .