Results 1851-1880 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have received your very kind letter of the 26. Ult. We had neither changed our purpose, nor...
I have recd. gentlemen, your note of the 23. inst. in which I am invited in such terms to partake...
You were appointed a delegate, with six others at a large meeting of our citizens on monday, to...
I have just recd. the enclosed letter with the notice it refers to, which I have duly...
As the period for the meeting of the visitors of the University is now near at hand, I take the...
I inclose a draft on Col Peyton in Richd: to discharge the note referred to in your letter of ....
This will be handed to you by Mr. Benjamin Randolph. He is charged with subscription papers for...
It was my intention to have seen or written to you before this. But I was detained in Richd. by a...
I have recd. yours of the 17th. communicating your obliging views for the accomodation of the...
Mrs. Madison receives your kind remembrance of her with the sensibility of an old friend, as you...
Be so obliging as to complete the address of the inclosed letter to Mr. Eppes in answer to one...
The duplicate of your letter of the 25th. of April, did not reach me till the 9th. ins. and the...
My Father desires me to thank you for your letter of the 10 Ins t : & for the friendly sentiments...
I have recd. Sir, your letter requesting information as to a particular feature in the University...
I embrace with pleasure the present opportunity of renewing an intercourse which has ever been a...
As the time for the meeting of the Visitors will soon be here, arrangements must be made for...
I have already apprised you of your mistake of the day for the meeting of the Visitors, which is...
I received yours of the 3d. instt, a few days after our arrival here, and shall profit of the...
It has been much the wish of Mrs. Madison & myself to give a call at Barboursville whilst you...
We feel much obliged to you and Mrs Madison for your kind invitation to call on you before our...
At the request of Mr. William Clarke, I put this into the hands of Mr. Lewis Shaston his brother...
A late communication to the Richmond Enquirer, upon the subject of the plan of study laid down at...
I have recd. yrs. of May 27. Mr. B[ache] having informed me that he had as a critical [ ] [from]...
I have recd. yours of the 30th. Ult. and given attention to the passage relating to the Statement...
I have just recd. your note of the 1st. inst. accompanied by the Bacon which is thought to be...
I have recd. your letter of the 27. inclosing letters from Dr. Cooper & Mr DuPonceau, all...
I have just recd. yours of the 31st. Ult. inclosing letters recommending Mr. Tracie, and hasten...
$950— Sixty days after date–I promise to pay to Richard Smith, Cashier, or order, Nine hundred &...
I did not receive yours of the 30th. Ult. in time to be answered by the return mail. I now...
I have recd. the Copy of your Speech on the 1st. of Feby. which led you into the subject of our...