George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Denis McCarty, 10 May 1756

To Denis McCarty

[Winchester, 10 May 1756]

To Ensign Denis McCarty, of the Virginia Regiment.

You are hereby ordered to proceed to Conogochieg with the party under your command; which being composed of Captain Bells men, you must leave with him, and Draught the same number out of Captain Gists men, if he has many there; if not, they are to be taken from the men of the other companies there; exclusive of Captain Stewarts and Bells: and with them escort to this place such waggons (loaded with Provisions) as you shall find there.1

You must desire Captain Stewart to send me by you, a particular Return of the Men that shall remain there afterwards; the companies they belong to; and who enlisted them.2 Given at Winchester, May 10th 1756.



For some of the details of McCarty’s life and military career, see John Carlyle to GW, 17 Oct. 1755, n.3.

1For an accounting of the men at Maidstone on 9 May 1756, see GW to Robert Stewart, 3 May, n.1, and 8 May, n.2.

2There is a size (muster) roll of Robert Stewart’s company (34 men) dated 11 May 1756 and one of David Bell’s company (18 men) dated 12 May. Robert Stewart made a return of his troop of light horse and of the other detachments at Maidstone on 28 May. In this return Stewart listed as present in his company 1 lieutenant, 1 sergeant, 1 drummer, and 33 men, and he indicated that both Bell’s and Christopher Gist’s companies were being commanded by ensigns. Bell’s company included 1 sergeant and 30 men, while Gist’s had 2 sergeants and 33 men. Sgt. William Hughes’s 10 men brought the total at Maidstone up to 106 men on 28 May as compared to 101 men on 7 May and 100 on 9 May 1756. See note 1.

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