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Results 184411-184420 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have forwarded to Mr. Sanford the patent he requested. I have forwarded the letter addressed to Mr. Payne under the impression that it would be opened by his family: should not this be the case, I shall be happy to send it to Tripoli. From a conversation I had with the Comptroller; I thought it necessary and not amiss to write the letter, of which I enclose a copy, to the Collector of...
I take it upon myself to communicate to you my wish to be re-appointed in the service if a suitable vacancy should present itself. I take this method because I presume it to be the one most acceptable to government, and also, from your known wish to do justice to the late Army as far as it lays in your power—taking it for granted that every mans’ character, who has served four years and a half...
Paris, July 23, 1792. “I am favord with yours of the seventeenth.… The History you give of DeWolf proves clearly that his Hopes outrun his Judgment. You are however in a Position to see clearly and I am persuaded that however he may deceive himself he cannot deceive you. It appears to me a fortunate Thing that he cannot undertake for large Sums because his Operations will only stimulate the...
Your three last journals are three Pearls—I have not been able to thank you for either—untill now, they bear the form and impression of the age—they let me into the Characters of Statesmen, Politicians, Orators, Pacts, Courtiers, Convivialists, dancers Dandy’s and above all, of Ladies of whom I should no Nothing, without your kind assistance—I am a little surprised at the depth of your...
It mus⟨t give great Concern to any⟩ considerate Mind that when ⟨this whole Continent at⟩ a vast Expence of Blood & Treasure ⟨is endeavouring to⟩ establish its Liberties on the most se⟨cure and Solid Founda⟩tions not only by a laudable Oppositi⟨on of Force to Force⟩ but denying itself the usual Advantages ⟨of Trade, there⟩ are Men among us so basely sordid as to ⟨Counteract⟩ all our Exertions...
Officers of the Regiment of Infantry Leiut. Colo. Commandant Josiah Harmar And a Brigadier General by brevet, he having been appointed such by a resolve of Congress of the 31st of July 1787 Majors John Plasgrave Wyllys John F. Hamtramck Captains Jonathan Heart David Zeigler William McCurdy John Mercer David Strong John Smith Joseph Ashton Erkuries Beatty. Lieutenants John Armstrong John Pratt...
I inclose a letter for Colo. C. L. Lewis of Buckisland, which, from it’s contents, will justify my asking you to send it by express & without delay. it is left open for your perusal, and you will be so good as to stick a wafer in it. immediately on recieving mr Speer’s directions, I remitted 50. D. to mr Moore of Baltimore for him. I percieve that to make up the 43½ D. you must have put in 12....
Ca. 1 December 1801, Norfolk. Rescued thirteen distressed Portuguese seamen off the Azores in March 1800 and provided them with food and clothing until they landed at Norfolk. The state of Virginia has paid for their support since their arrival, but, as explained in Governor Monroe’s letter, it has declined to reimburse him. Wishes to know what steps to take in order to be reimbursed for...
Dr. Alexander Hamilton Esqr: In A/C with The Society for Establishing useful Manufactures Cr: 1793 1793 Feby. 20 To paid his draft on Benjamin Walker 300.00 Feby. 26 By Cash Advanced Wm. Pearce in Phila. at sundry times 2,340.90 June 8 To Wm. Duer’s Order on F. Ingraham 500  “  “ By ditto ditto George Parkinson
In writing freely as I have done yesterday and to-day in the inclosed letter to you, disclosing what is contemplated respecting your military station, far from being apprehensive of justly incurring blame I consider myself as performing a hazardous duty: but I am not conscious that the risque of incurring the displeasure of any man ever deterred me from doing what I conceived to be my duty. My...