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Results 184381-184430 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
According to present appearances, the surprizing efforts which this country has made are likely to be crowned with complete success: it has been assisted too by a sort of fatality which seems to have accompanied the french arms from the commencement. The grossest Errors have been committed by generals of the greatest reputation; to say nothing of political Errors which have been abundant; &...
I shall be obliged to you to import for me Bohemian glass of the kind which you deliver at 16. Dollars the hundred square feet, and of the following sizes. 100. panes 12. inches square. 150. do. 18. I. square 50. do. in form of a quarter of a circle of 18. I. radius, thus, Also to furnish me at present with 30. panes 18. I. by 24 I That which is to be imported I shall wish to receive by...
Ca. 6 January 1810. Urges appointment of William Henry Harrison to a second term as territorial governor. Printed broadside ( DNA : RG 46, Territorial Papers of the Senate). Addressed “To the Honorable the President and Senate of the United States.” Signed by Nathan Deen and thirty others. Undated. Cover dated Jeffersonville, 6 Jan. Reprinted in Carter, Territorial Papers, Indiana , 7:710–11.
This forenoon the youngest Mr. Montréal came here. Din’d with Mr. Artaud at Mr. Rimbert’s. After dinner I took a walk with Mr. Artaud and the eldest Mr. Montréal to the Convent of St. Alexander Newsky. We went to see the tomb which is of solid silver. When I return’d Mr. D was gone to take a ride. Alexander Nevski, Russian hero and saint. As prince of Novgorod, he defeated the Swedes in 1240...
It is with a great pleasure, that I inform Your Excellency, of the arrival of the Frigate The Alliance , at Boston. You will see in the Newspaper herein included, the news that she brings. they are all very good; All I fear, is Least the Departure of the 2d Division should not have taken place, until the Junction of the Spanish fleet, that was not effectuated, when the Frigate set sail. She...
I am much obliged by the information contained in your Letter of the 30th Ulto—The Negros taken in the Monk do not belong to me, but to Mr Lund Washington, who lives at my Seat of Mount Vernon. on whose behalf I shall be thankful for any services you may render in recovering the Negros Robt Phoenix and—Phoenix—& on whose Acct I will see any expences paid. Instead of giving me any further...
Will you be so good as to assist me from a doubt. Mr Gillies , historiographer to the king for Scotland has translated Aristotle ’s works into english. I have not seen the original, nor a translation into any other language than the beforementioned; but from the introductions to the Several books “on polities,” & the notes, remarks & conclusions, altogether foreign from the text, of the great...
184388General Orders, 21 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
Lieutt Samuel Richards is appointed Pay-Master to the 3rd Connecticutt Regiment—Lieutt William Adams to the 4th—Lieutt John Shearman to the 6th and Lieutt Richard Sill to the 8th from the 7th of September last. Purity of Morals being the only sure foundation of publick happiness in any Country and highly conducive to order, subordination and success in an Army, it will be well worthy the...
The Bishop has received a letter from which the subjoined extract is made by his desire, & communicated to you: it is from a French Priest, resident at Detroit. I have the Honor to be, with perfect Respect, Dr. Sir, Your Obed: & faithful Servt. DNA : RG 107—LRUS—Letters Received by the Secretary of War, Unregistered Series.
Your letter of the 2d Instant to My great Mortification found Me confined to My own house, owing to a Spraind & Verry Sore Ancle . But Trust as My Surgeon Docr. Beanes , informs Me I shall be in a Situation to Join My Core: About the first of August which Nothin shall prevent within the reach of possabillity Be Assured I feel the indulgance I wish most Truely to be with My Command—which I...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mrs Warren & returns her the paper she had been pleased to inclose to him with his own subscription & that of the heads of departments except General Dearborne who had signed another paper. he learns with great satisfaction that mrs Warren’s attention has been so long turned to the events which have been passing. the last thirty years will furnish a...
I have the Honor to transmit to you the following Acts of Congress relating to the formation of commercial Treaties &c viz— N1. Letter to the Ministers plenipotentiary at the Courts of Versailles and Madrid dated 17 th of October 1780— N2. Instructions to the Ministers of the United States for making Peace with Great Britain dated May 30 th 1783 N3. Instructions to the Ministers...
May it please your Excellency Being informed that the Officers of the Customs will be soon appointed, I am in Duty bound to inform your Excellency that I now hold the Office of Collector & have for several Years held it under this Commonwealth—the County of Essex is divided into two Districts the Northern and Southern and the latter for which I am Collector contains the following Seaports vizt...
After waiting somewhat impatiently I allow for your last it came to hand on friday & delighted me exceedingly as it contained much information concerning our classmates of whom I hear nothing in any other way. One thing I have heard however by the newspapers which I should have preferred not to have heard I mean the deat h of Levett. It would seem that we have hardly yet been long enough...
I am favoured with yours of the 18th. of March. My last answered your preceding one relating to your territorial speculation. I hope it has been reced. I forgot to intimate to you, though I presume it would have been superfluous, that it will be well in every purchase to ascertain by information as far as possible, the proportion of land which lies on the river and comes within the description...
Convinced as I am that information relative to the situation of any empire now under your particular charge will be always welcome to you, (especially if such place be remote,) let such information come from whatever person or through whatsoever channel it may; I therefore take the liberty of making the following statement of facts to you, on the perusal and confirmation of which I am...
Your favr. of 2d instant came to hand in course of Post. What a man wishes he will readily believe, I feel a confidence that the accounts of Jay’s successful negotiation are well founded, and that a general Peace in Europe is an event not remote. These circumstances I consider as ensuring the prosperity of our own Country, and I flatter myself that the proceedings of the present Session will...
Passy, 20 May 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:104 . In his reply to Fleury’s letter of 26 April (above), Adams noted the excellent reputation of François Louis Teissèdre de Fleury, then serving with the Continental Army, and congratulated Fleury and his wife “upon the honor of...
Having received letters from Mr. Sargent, Secretary and acting governor of the North Western territory, stating the extreme inconveniences which the people of that territory are experiencing from the absence of that body which constitutes both their legislature and Judiciary, I think it my duty, to inclose you copies thereof, not doubting but that you will duly feel the urgency of their calls...
Your esteemed favor of the 20th of Oct. was duly recieved. Such a gratifying & valuable testimonial of your confidence, & of the esteem of my other political friends, could not fail to beget a wish that it were in my power to accept of the honorable office, rendered vacant by the death of the late Judge Cushing. But my encreasing years & difficulty of sight admonish me, in a tone, which can...
As you allow me the honour of your correspondence, I may not omit acquainting you with so remarkable an event as the withdraw of the commissioners of the customs and most of the other officers under them from the town on board the Romney, with an intent to remove from thence to the castle. In the evening of the 10th a sloop belonging to Mr. Hancock, a representative for Boston, and a wealthy...
An absence from Paris yesterday prevented my answering by that post your letter of the 12th. which came to hand the night before. The smallness of the vessel of Capt. Stotesbury and her going to Philadelphia and not Chesapeak, are such powerful objections that I determine to take the chance of still finding a larger vessel bound directly to the Chesapeak. The journey from Philadelphia to...
This day I had the honour of your Excellencies condescending letter with an inclosure for Mr. Weinwich, Member of the Royal Society of Sciences at Copenhagen, who therein will be highly gratified to see that your Excellency has vouchafed to accept of the Roman Coins for The American Philosophical Society, the conveyance of which letter I am very proud to have entrusted to me. I most humbly...
The approach of the semiannual meeting of the Visitors of the University renders it interesting to learn the probable fate of our application to Congress on the subject of the duties. and the more so, as we gave our bonds personally for the amount, on the presumption that before they should become due Congress would have had time to decide the question. I am well aware how uncontrolable the...
His Excellency has received your two last favours to day. In the first you hint the want of a reinforcement; but as the intention of your body is chiefly for observation and skirmishing and not to make any serious stand, it is the less necessary it should be powerful in numbers. It will however depend upon circumstances, how far it will be expedient to reinforce you; and as soon as any thing...
Inclosed is a letter from Mr. Chew, with the papers to which it refers. I have not yet recd. the subsequent letter promised. I have thought it best to put every thing he has sent into your hands, that you may be the better able to take the steps which his interest requires. The Letter for Z. Taylor, will go with more safety by private hands from Orange, than thro’ the post office from this...
184407[Diary entry: 11 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. At home all day alone.
The undersigned American citizens, now in this port, under the pressure of the most serious concern, conceive it our duty to address you on a subject deeply interesting to our feelings. We are well aware that the constitutional organ, through which these communications ought to be made, is the consul or commercial agent, but as neither of these officers reside here, we are under the necessity...
Facsimile: Reproduced in Charles Hamilton Auction No. 57 (New York; April 20, 1972), p. 28; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I take the Liberty of introducing to your Acquaintance, two of my particular Friends, members of the Royal Society of London, Mr. Jones & Mr. Paradise. You will find them men of Learning & Ingenuity, and have great Pleasure in conversing with them. I recomend them...
The Friends of Major Hatfield (who last year belonged to General Scott’s Brigade in our Army and was taken by the Enemy on Montresure’s Island, and is now a Prisoner with them) inform me that when your Excellency was in the Clove Mrs Hatfield (the Majors Wife) obtained your Permission to visit her Husband at Newyork and was conducted by a Flag from Elizabeth Town to Staten Island for that...
I have forwarded to Mr. Sanford the patent he requested. I have forwarded the letter addressed to Mr. Payne under the impression that it would be opened by his family: should not this be the case, I shall be happy to send it to Tripoli. From a conversation I had with the Comptroller; I thought it necessary and not amiss to write the letter, of which I enclose a copy, to the Collector of...
I take it upon myself to communicate to you my wish to be re-appointed in the service if a suitable vacancy should present itself. I take this method because I presume it to be the one most acceptable to government, and also, from your known wish to do justice to the late Army as far as it lays in your power—taking it for granted that every mans’ character, who has served four years and a half...
Paris, July 23, 1792. “I am favord with yours of the seventeenth.… The History you give of DeWolf proves clearly that his Hopes outrun his Judgment. You are however in a Position to see clearly and I am persuaded that however he may deceive himself he cannot deceive you. It appears to me a fortunate Thing that he cannot undertake for large Sums because his Operations will only stimulate the...
Your three last journals are three Pearls—I have not been able to thank you for either—untill now, they bear the form and impression of the age—they let me into the Characters of Statesmen, Politicians, Orators, Pacts, Courtiers, Convivialists, dancers Dandy’s and above all, of Ladies of whom I should no Nothing, without your kind assistance—I am a little surprised at the depth of your...
It mus⟨t give great Concern to any⟩ considerate Mind that when ⟨this whole Continent at⟩ a vast Expence of Blood & Treasure ⟨is endeavouring to⟩ establish its Liberties on the most se⟨cure and Solid Founda⟩tions not only by a laudable Oppositi⟨on of Force to Force⟩ but denying itself the usual Advantages ⟨of Trade, there⟩ are Men among us so basely sordid as to ⟨Counteract⟩ all our Exertions...
Officers of the Regiment of Infantry Leiut. Colo. Commandant Josiah Harmar And a Brigadier General by brevet, he having been appointed such by a resolve of Congress of the 31st of July 1787 Majors John Plasgrave Wyllys John F. Hamtramck Captains Jonathan Heart David Zeigler William McCurdy John Mercer David Strong John Smith Joseph Ashton Erkuries Beatty. Lieutenants John Armstrong John Pratt...
I inclose a letter for Colo. C. L. Lewis of Buckisland, which, from it’s contents, will justify my asking you to send it by express & without delay. it is left open for your perusal, and you will be so good as to stick a wafer in it. immediately on recieving mr Speer’s directions, I remitted 50. D. to mr Moore of Baltimore for him. I percieve that to make up the 43½ D. you must have put in 12....
Ca. 1 December 1801, Norfolk. Rescued thirteen distressed Portuguese seamen off the Azores in March 1800 and provided them with food and clothing until they landed at Norfolk. The state of Virginia has paid for their support since their arrival, but, as explained in Governor Monroe’s letter, it has declined to reimburse him. Wishes to know what steps to take in order to be reimbursed for...
Dr. Alexander Hamilton Esqr: In A/C with The Society for Establishing useful Manufactures Cr: 1793 1793 Feby. 20 To paid his draft on Benjamin Walker 300.00 Feby. 26 By Cash Advanced Wm. Pearce in Phila. at sundry times 2,340.90 June 8 To Wm. Duer’s Order on F. Ingraham 500  “  “ By ditto ditto George Parkinson
In writing freely as I have done yesterday and to-day in the inclosed letter to you, disclosing what is contemplated respecting your military station, far from being apprehensive of justly incurring blame I consider myself as performing a hazardous duty: but I am not conscious that the risque of incurring the displeasure of any man ever deterred me from doing what I conceived to be my duty. My...
I have duly received your favor of the 2d. instant: but am not able to inform you what kind of voucher is necessary in the dominions of France to prove a vessel to be an American bottom. If you will send me a copy of a bill of sale of any vessel I will annex to it a certificate that you are a citizen of the United states, on the principle of ‘valeat quantum valere potest.’ When you shall have...
Je l’honneur de vous parteciper mon heureux arrivee en Europe en parfaitte Sante. De tout cotè on me fait des recherches empresseè sur le Monument National. On ne peù pas ce persuader du succes si peu favorable, car on L’envisage comme un objet qui doivent interesser une Nationne Trionfante de satisfaire la juste embition pour Celebrer l’Epoque de sa Gloire. Quant a moi pour me consoler en...
I have ever been tenacious as to recommendations and never ventured to pronounce possitively in favor of any one untill I had a fair oppertunity of Judging of their merits and qualities requisite to form the Character Contemplated. The favourable impressions I have imbibed from the Conduct of Capt. Archd Cary Randolph from Virga during the late Expedition against the Insurgents in this Country...
184424[Diary entry: 12 July 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 12th. Mercury at 79 in the Morning— at Noon and at Night. Wind pretty fresh from the So. West all day. About Noon a cloud arose in the west, from whence proceeded a shower of rain and severe lightning and loud thunder. Visited all my Plantations and the Mill to day. Finished the wheat harvest at the Ferry about Noon. Gave the People employed in it the remainder of the day for them...
As there are some appearances of an intended movement among the enemy and as they may possibly be encouraged to make some attempt while the exhibition at Pluckimin on thursday is going on, expecting to find our attention much engrossed by that object—It is His Excellencys particular desire that you keep a more vigilant look out than usual on that day and night and part of the day following,...
There is a quantity of money of the two emissions called in, lying at Hartford in the hands of a Mr John Lawrence Treasurer at that place. It is to be forwarded to Philadelphia—You will be pleased therefore to give orders to one of the Officers coming on with the levies to take charge of it, and on his arrival at Fish kill to give me notice—An attentive Officer should be appointed for the...
You will readily agree with me that the best interests of the United States require such an intimation to be made to the Governor of Canada, either directly or indirectly, as may produce instructions to prevent the Indians receiving military aid or supplies from the british posts or garrisons—The notoriety of this assistance has already been such as renders enquiry into particulars...
In reply to your note of the 16th. inst. I have to observe, that the gentlemen you mention, are both known to me, with Mr Brent I have been intimately acquainted for many years, he possesses an amiable disposition, is a good accountant and a republican, Mr Jackson was formerly concerned in trade in this place, from my present recollection of him, his claims to the office you mention, appear to...
Your Letter of the 18th instt came to Hand while I was absent on a Visit to the Count de Grasse at Cape Henry—from whence I am just returned—I am very sensible of your Attention—& am sorry for the Embarrassments you met with—I hope they will soon be removed. The Legion of the Duke Lauzun is ordered to join the Troops now under your Comand—& you may soon Expect to see them—I wish you to be...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 30th ulto. I sincerely regret the disappointment of the Allies before Gibralter—more especially as it will serve to keep alive the spirits of the English. I enclose you the Copy of a letter which I recd last Night from the president of Congress—By this it appears that the evacuation of Charles town would take place as soon as the...