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Results 184381-184430 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
According to present appearances, the surprizing efforts which this country has made are likely...
I shall be obliged to you to import for me Bohemian glass of the kind which you deliver at 16....
Ca. 6 January 1810. Urges appointment of William Henry Harrison to a second term as territorial...
This forenoon the youngest Mr. Montréal came here. Din’d with Mr. Artaud at Mr. Rimbert’s. After...
It is with a great pleasure, that I inform Your Excellency, of the arrival of the Frigate The...
I am much obliged by the information contained in your Letter of the 30th Ulto—The Negros taken...
Will you be so good as to assist me from a doubt. Mr Gillies , historiographer to the king for...
184388General Orders, 21 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
Lieutt Samuel Richards is appointed Pay-Master to the 3rd Connecticutt Regiment—Lieutt William...
The Bishop has received a letter from which the subjoined extract is made by his desire, &...
Your letter of the 2d Instant to My great Mortification found Me confined to My own house, owing...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mrs Warren & returns her the paper she had been pleased...
I have the Honor to transmit to you the following Acts of Congress relating to the formation of...
May it please your Excellency Being informed that the Officers of the Customs will be soon...
After waiting somewhat impatiently I allow for your last it came to hand on friday & delighted me...
I am favoured with yours of the 18th. of March. My last answered your preceding one relating to...
Convinced as I am that information relative to the situation of any empire now under your...
Your favr. of 2d instant came to hand in course of Post. What a man wishes he will readily...
Passy, 20 May 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
Having received letters from Mr. Sargent, Secretary and acting governor of the North Western...
Your esteemed favor of the 20th of Oct. was duly recieved. Such a gratifying & valuable...
As you allow me the honour of your correspondence, I may not omit acquainting you with so...
An absence from Paris yesterday prevented my answering by that post your letter of the 12th....
This day I had the honour of your Excellencies condescending letter with an inclosure for Mr....
The approach of the semiannual meeting of the Visitors of the University renders it interesting...
His Excellency has received your two last favours to day. In the first you hint the want of a...
Inclosed is a letter from Mr. Chew, with the papers to which it refers. I have not yet recd. the...
184407[Diary entry: 11 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. At home all day alone.
The undersigned American citizens, now in this port, under the pressure of the most serious...
Facsimile: Reproduced in Charles Hamilton Auction No. 57 (New York; April 20, 1972), p. 28; copy:...
The Friends of Major Hatfield (who last year belonged to General Scott’s Brigade in our Army and...
I have forwarded to Mr. Sanford the patent he requested. I have forwarded the letter addressed to...
I take it upon myself to communicate to you my wish to be re-appointed in the service if a...
Paris, July 23, 1792. “I am favord with yours of the seventeenth.… The History you give of DeWolf...
Your three last journals are three Pearls—I have not been able to thank you for either—untill...
It mus⟨t give great Concern to any⟩ considerate Mind that when ⟨this whole Continent at⟩ a vast...
Officers of the Regiment of Infantry Leiut. Colo. Commandant Josiah Harmar And a Brigadier...
I inclose a letter for Colo. C. L. Lewis of Buckisland, which, from it’s contents, will justify...
Ca. 1 December 1801, Norfolk. Rescued thirteen distressed Portuguese seamen off the Azores in...
Dr. Alexander Hamilton Esqr: In A/C with The Society for Establishing useful Manufactures Cr:...
In writing freely as I have done yesterday and to-day in the inclosed letter to you, disclosing...
I have duly received your favor of the 2d. instant: but am not able to inform you what kind of...
Je l’honneur de vous parteciper mon heureux arrivee en Europe en parfaitte Sante. De tout cotè on...
I have ever been tenacious as to recommendations and never ventured to pronounce possitively in...
184424[Diary entry: 12 July 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 12th. Mercury at 79 in the Morning— at Noon and at Night. Wind pretty fresh from the...
As there are some appearances of an intended movement among the enemy and as they may possibly be...
There is a quantity of money of the two emissions called in, lying at Hartford in the hands of a...
You will readily agree with me that the best interests of the United States require such an...
In reply to your note of the 16th. inst. I have to observe, that the gentlemen you mention, are...
Your Letter of the 18th instt came to Hand while I was absent on a Visit to the Count de Grasse...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 30th ulto. I sincerely regret the...