George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Richard Cromwell, et al., 22 March 1793

From Richard Cromwell, et al.

Maryland Washington County march the 22th 1793

the honourable to the president of the United states George Washington.

Whereas a Certain Matthias Dych of the County and state aforesaid hath on the 6th of this instant Enlisted under Capt: Wm Lewis having a wife An four Small Children and Nothing to leave to maintain them; And being Desirious to be Releast: we therefore the hereunder mentioned subscribers do humbly petition to thee honourable president to shew mercy and have Compassion on the distressed family and Release the said Matthias Dych.1 from your Humble Petitioners

Richard Cromwell2

DS, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters.

1Matthias Dych (Dytch) had served in a Maryland regiment during the Revolutionary War but had deserted in April 1783. William Lewis was an infantry captain in the 3d sublegion. Recruits under his command, from “Richmond, Winchester, Frederick Town Alexandria, and Hagers Town,” in Washington County, Md., were ordered to Pittsburgh in May of this year (Henry Knox to Anthony Wayne, 17 May, in Knopf, Wayne, description begins Richard C. Knopf, ed. Anthony Wayne, a Name in Arms: Soldier, Diplomat, Defender of Expansion Westward of a Nation; The Wayne-Knox-Pickering-McHenry Correspondence. Pittsburgh, 1960. description ends 240). No evidence has been found to indicate that GW responded to this plea.

2The other signatories were John Bentley, Jacob Kiuckel, Jacob Zellers, Richard Hebb, John G. Berry, and William Dellahunt.

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