Thomas Jefferson Papers

List of Appointments, with Notes by Gallatin and Jefferson

Enclosure I
List of Appointments, with Notes by Gallatin and Jefferson

2 Commissions
25— George Wentworth Surveyor for the District of Portsmouth and Inspector of the Revenue for the same.
{ do. Joseph Farley—Collector for the District of Waldoborough and Inspector of the Revenue for the same.
do. Joseph Wilson, Collector for the District of Marblehead and Inspector of the Revenue for the same—
Abraham Bloodgood, Surveyor for the Port of Albany & Inspector of the Revenue for the same—
S. do. Silas Crane, Collector for the District of Little Egg Harbour and Inspector of the Revenue for the same.
his commission as inspector dated 7th July
S. do. John Heard, Collector for the District of Perth Amboy  —The Commissn. for Inspector never issued.1
do. Alexander Scott, Collector for the District of Nanjemoy & Inspector of the Revenue for the same.
William White, Surveyor for the Port of East-River and Inspector of the Revenue for the same.
Thomas Archer, Collector of York Town and Inspector of the Revenue for the same.
John Easson, Surveyor of Smithfield and Inspector of the Revenue for the same—
S Benjamin Cheney, Surveyor of the Port of Beaufort  The Commission for Inspector never issued—[but it was approved by Senate]
S James L. Shannonhouse, Surveyor of Newbiggen Creek— The Commission for Inspector never issued. [approved by Senate]
John Rowan, Surveyor of Windsor & Inspector of the Revenue for the same—
Jehu Nichols, Surveyor of Tombstone and Inspector of the Revenue for the same.
Henry Tooley, Surveyor of Slades Creek & Inspector of the Revenue for the same—
Robert Anderson New, Collector of Louisville & Inspector of the Revenue for the same.
Griffin Greene, Collector for the District of Marietta & Inspector of the Revenue for the same.
Daniel Bissell, Collector for Massac & Inspector of the Revenue for the same.

S. The Commission of Silas Crane as collector, & those of John Heard, Benjamin Cheney & James L. Shannonhouse are entered as of 3d of May, and confirmed by the Senate

MS (DLC: TJ Papers, 128:22050); undated; in a clerk’s hand; with emendations by Gallatin supplied in italics and two notes by TJ supplied in square brackets.

All of the Treasury Department appointments listed above required two commissions, one as collector or surveyor of a port, the other as inspector of the revenue. The Senate had confirmed the nominations of crane and heard, as collectors only, and cheney and shannonhouse as both surveyors and inspectors during the final days of the last session of Congress. All four had received commissions as surveyor or collector, but, as Gallatin notes above, only Crane had received a commission as inspector and that was a temporary one (see Enclosure No. 2). In his personal, ongoing list of appointments, TJ had entered these four appointees at 14 May 1802, after Congress had adjourned. This perhaps explains why they are included above with recent interim nominations. On his personal list, TJ noted the appointment of Cheney and Shannonhouse as surveyors only, not inspectors (Vol. 33:679; Vol. 37:348–9, 406). TJ submitted Crane’s nomination as inspector of the revenue, along with the other interim appointments, to the Senate on 11 Jan., but he did not submit Heard’s nomination as inspector until 2 Feb. (TJ to the Senate, 11 Jan. and 2 Feb. 1803).

1At this entry in the margin, Gallatin wrote and canceled “but only one issued.”

Index Entries