Adams Papers

From John Adams to Arthur Lee, 13 June 1779

To Arthur Lee

L’orient June 13. 1779

Dear Sir

Since my Letter to you of the 9th. looking over the Answer to the Letter inclosed in it, I find it, of more importance than I was aware, and least it should be lost with me, I now inclose you a Copy of it.1 It will be Evidence, <of some> against some Misrepresentations, which have been made, and may be repeated, as injurious to the French Court as to you. I have the Honour to be, with great Esteem and Respect, sir, your humble servant.

LbC (Adams Papers). This is the last Letterbook copy entered by JA in Lb/JA/5 before he sailed for America.

1This is Vergennes’ answer of 13 Feb. to JA’s letter of 11 Feb. (both above). For the copy made by JA and Lee’s use of it see the descriptive note to Vergennes’ letter of 13 Feb.

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