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Results 184351-184400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
184351 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas VI. Robert Smith’s Remarks on the Draft, 31 October … 1804-10-31 “ will be properly regarded ”— Would it not be better to presume that your representations have...
184352 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 September 1787] 1787-09-24 Monday. 24th. Thermometer at 62 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at Night. Wind Westerly with...
184353 Washington, George United States Senate and House of Representatives From George Washington to the United States Senate and … 1794-01-21 It is with satisfaction I announce to you, that the alterations which have been made by law in...
184354 Jefferson, Thomas No. 7., 1 February 1791 1791-02-01 Holland England Holland England 1578 Basques 25. 1758 159  52 1612  2 1759 155  34 1615  11  4...
184355 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 20 February 1786 1786-02-20 Yesterday the Tripolitan Ambassador Sent a Message by a Doctor Benamor, an English Jew most...
184356 Adams, John Coney, Daniel From John Adams to Daniel Coney, 1 February 1819 1819-02-01 My right arm and hand have become so enfeebled that I am under the necessity of borrowing another...
184357 Adams, John Quincy 31st. Thursday. 1782-01-31 Began Hume’s second volume of the History of England. Went to the shops and bought some things.
184358 Washington, George Proclamation to the Friends of America in the State of … 1776-12-31 The Army of the American States, under my Command being lately greatly reinforced, and having...
184359 Hubley, Bernard Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Bernard Hubley, Jr., 9 … 1790-02-09 Northumberland [Pa.] My much loved Genl and President February 9th, 1790 Praying your Excellency...
184360 Jefferson, Thomas Strode, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Strode, 9 July 1803 1803-07-09 Three days ago I answered your friendly letter of the 26th. June and mentioned that I should...
184361 Adams, John Lee, Arthur From John Adams to Arthur Lee, 13 June 1779 1779-06-13 Since my Letter to you of the 9th. looking over the Answer to the Letter inclosed in it, I find...
184362 Pickering, Timothy Jefferson, Thomas Timothy Pickering to Thomas Jefferson, 12 February 1821 1821-02-12 You will recollect that Gibbon , in his history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire,...
184363 Jefferson, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Jefferson, 14 September … 1805-09-14 I have duly received your favor of the 9th., and am sorry to inform you, that the price of...
184364 Johnson, Joshua Adams, John Quincy Joshua Johnson to John Quincy Adams, 25 April 1797 1797-04-25 I thank you for your obliging Letter of the 31 st Ultimo I do not know that I should have replied...
184365 Washington, George Chastellux, François-Jean de Beauvoir, marquis de From George Washington to François-Jean de Beauvoir … 1782-08-10 I love & thank you for the Sentiments contained in your letter of the 5th—I look forward with...
184366 Vaughan, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Vaughan, 23 July 1824 1824-07-23 Col Bernard Peyton deliverd me your letter I shall with pleasure introduce him to my friends & do...
184367 Rice, Nathan Adams, Abigail Nathan Rice to Abigail Adams, 27 July 1776 1776-07-27 When I reflect on that Tranquil State, and agreable Scituation which I was in, while I had the...
184368 Hamilton, Alexander Harison, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Harison, 18 April … 1791-04-18 As the confinement in which Charles Seely, the late Mate of Cap. Joseph Gorham junr. now is,...
184369 Hodgdon, Samuel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Samuel Hodgdon, 18 October … 1799-10-18 I have received your letter of the 17th inst. As fast as the Clothing is received from the...
184370 Jay, John Huntington, Samuel From John Jay to the President of Congress (Samuel … 1780-07-10 As a late and particular Letter from me to your Ex y is now on the way to America, and as I...
184371 Adams, John June 26 Saturday. 1779-06-26 June 26 Saturday.
184372 Cromwell, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Cromwell, et al., 22 … 1793-03-22 the honourable to the president of the United states George Washington. Whereas a Certain...
184373 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 25 August 1802 1802-08-25 Yours of the 23d. has been duly recd. Mr. Brent had informed me that copies of the letters from...
184374 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on Appointments, 30 November 1805 1805-11-30 Orleans. 2. judges Theodoric Bland of Baltimore has practisd C. 3. y. in Tennis. tenernts membr....
184375 Washington, George Gilpin, George From George Washington to George Gilpin, 24 January … 1787-01-24 As (if I understood you rightly the other day at Lomax’s) you are high Sheriff of this County, I...
184376 Washington, George Biddle, Clement From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 19 March 1798 1798-03-19 Your letter of the 11th instant has been received; and I shall depend upon receiving samples of...
184377 Bourne, Sylvanus Washington, George To George Washington from Sylvanus Bourne, 22 May 1789 1789-05-22 Happy in that easy access to the first Office in his Government which is alone the pride of an...
184378 Jefferson, Thomas Hanson, Richard From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Hanson, 2 April 1795 1795-04-02 Your favor of Mar. 14 . is now before me: and I am glad you can make it convenient to receive Dr....
184379 McKenney, Thomas L. Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas L. McKenney, 7 April 1825 1825-04-07 I have the honor to enclose for your acceptance the documents connected with the communication...
184380 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 21 June 1785 1785-06-21 Finding from a letter of Mr. Mazzei that you have never been furnished with a copy of the Bill...
184381 Erving, George W. Madison, James To James Madison from George W. Erving, 13 September … 1808-09-13 According to present appearances, the surprizing efforts which this country has made are likely...
184382 Jefferson, Thomas Donath, Joseph From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Donath, 16 November … 1792-11-16 I shall be obliged to you to import for me Bohemian glass of the kind which you deliver at 16....
184383 Harrison County, Indiana Territory Citizens Madison, James To James Madison from the Citizens of Harrison County … 1810-01-06 Ca. 6 January 1810. Urges appointment of William Henry Harrison to a second term as territorial...
184384 Adams, John Quincy N.(1782.) S. September. 1st. Sunday. 1782-09-01 This forenoon the youngest Mr. Montréal came here. Din’d with Mr. Artaud at Mr. Rimbert’s. After...
184385 Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur … Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant General … 1780-08-20 It is with a great pleasure, that I inform Your Excellency, of the arrival of the Frigate The...
184386 Washington, George Bradford, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Bradford, 7 May 1782 1782-05-07 I am much obliged by the information contained in your Letter of the 30th Ulto—The Negros taken...
184387 Tiffany, Isaac H. Jefferson, Thomas Isaac H. Tiffany to Thomas Jefferson, 8 August 1816 1816-08-08 Will you be so good as to assist me from a doubt. Mr Gillies , historiographer to the king for...
184388 Washington, George General Orders, 21 October 1778 1778-10-21 Lieutt Samuel Richards is appointed Pay-Master to the 3rd Connecticutt Regiment—Lieutt William...
184389 Brent, Daniel Carroll Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Carroll Brent, 30 August … 1807-08-30 The Bishop has received a letter from which the subjoined extract is made by his desire, &...
184390 Brookes, Benjamin, Jr. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Brookes, 10 July … 1799-07-10 Your letter of the 2d Instant to My great Mortification found Me confined to My own house, owing...
184391 Jefferson, Thomas Warren, Mercy Otis From Thomas Jefferson to Mercy Otis Warren, 8 February … 1805-02-08 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mrs Warren & returns her the paper she had been pleased...
184392 President of Congress American Commissioners The President of Congress to the American … 1784-05-20 I have the Honor to transmit to you the following Acts of Congress relating to the formation of...
184393 Harris, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Harris, 14 July 1789 1789-07-14 May it please your Excellency Being informed that the Officers of the Customs will be soon...
184394 Adams, John Stark, Caleb, Jr. From John Adams to Caleb Stark, Jr., 1 February 1824 1824-02-01 After waiting somewhat impatiently I allow for your last it came to hand on friday & delighted me...
184395 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 9 April 1786 1786-04-09 I am favoured with yours of the 18th. of March. My last answered your preceding one relating to...
184396 DeLacy, John Devereux Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Devereux DeLacy, 3 … 1801-11-03 Convinced as I am that information relative to the situation of any empire now under your...
184397 White, Alexander Madison, James To James Madison from Alexander White, 14 February 1795 1795-02-14 Your favr. of 2d instant came to hand in course of Post. What a man wishes he will readily...
184398 Adams, John Fleury, François Louis Teissèdre de From John Adams to Fleury, 20 May 1778 1778-05-20 Passy, 20 May 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
184399 Jefferson, Thomas Turner, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Turner, 30 March 1793 1793-03-30 Having received letters from Mr. Sargent, Secretary and acting governor of the North Western...
184400 Lincoln, Levi Madison, James To James Madison from Levi Lincoln, 27 November 1810 1810-11-27 Your esteemed favor of the 20th of Oct. was duly recieved. Such a gratifying & valuable...