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Results 184341-184350 of 184,431 sorted by author
184341Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
In 1784 and 1785 the absence of any treaties between the United States and the Barbary States produced a crisis when Morocco and Algiers seized American ships. Congress’ decision in March 1785 to resolve that problem, at the behest of the commissioners and the emperor of Morocco, opened a new chapter in the nation’s diplomacy. The documents presented here indicate the basis upon which the...
184342Editorial Note (Jefferson Papers)
In composing his response to Peter H. Wendover ’s letter of 30 Jan. 1815 , Jefferson completed a draft that criticized the discussion of public affairs from the pulpit by religious leaders. Realizing the controversial nature of what he had written and being unable to count on the discretion of its intended recipient, with whom he had not corresponded previously, Jefferson wrote a briefer and...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania To the Honourable House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania The Petition of divers Inhabitants of the City of Philadelphia Humbly sheweth That the Fairs which are held in this City twice a Year are of very small Benefit to the Inhabitants the Wares therein sold being either such as may be bought at any other Time, or else insignificant...
His Excellency the C t . De Florida Blanca in Acc t . Curr t . With His Excellency John Jay on Behalf of the United States of North America D r . 1781 To three millions of Reals promised for the Discharge of Bills drawn by order of Congress on their Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Madrid . . . R s . V n . 3000000 or  150000
Present: Leonard Gansevoort, Chairman; Zephaniah Platt, John Jay, William Duer, Esqrs. . . . Whereas this Committee have been credibly informed and have good Reason to believe that David Van Schaack & Peter Van Schaack Esq rs ., Mess rs . John Stevenson, Cornelius Glen of the City & County of Albany have long maintained an equivocal Neutrality in the present Struggles and are in General...
AL : William Pepper, Philadelphia (1956) Dr. Heberden sends his compliments to Dr. Franklin and desires the favor of his company at dinner on monday next (Sept. 29th.) at half an hour past three. On Dr. Heberden, distinguished physician, for whose pamphlet on smallpox inoculation BF had written the preface, see above, VIII , 281. Since the invitation was for “monday next (Sept. 29th.),” it...
Draft: American Philosophical Society Since my Return from abroad I have been inform’d of your good Purpose to purchase a land[ed?] Estate in America of the Value of One Thousand Pounds and to apply the Rents and Profits thereof to the Support of Schools for the Instruction of Negro Children. And I have been desired by the Associates to consider the Matter, and give my Opinion where, and in...
We intend to address you in a plain fisherman’s style that you may not consider us pleased when we are vexed; we consider you, sir, as the fountain from which all our national acts or laws proceed whether good or evil; we likewise consider you the proper authority to apply to for an immediate redress of grievances produced by those laws; you doubtless are sensible that we fishermen have done...
Although John Jay had, as noted below, been reassured of the loyalty of Sir James Jay, the two brothers can hardly be said to have reconciled, for James continued to behave in ways that embarrassed John and contravened his policies. Sir James contacted first John Adams, then Benjamin Franklin, notifying them that the British had offered to exchange him for one of two British officers captured...
184350Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
The eight letters exchanged by John Adams and the Comte de Vergennes between 13 and 29 July provide a resounding climax to Adams’ diplomatic efforts at Paris in 1780. Together they constitute one of the most controversial episodes in John Adams’ diplomatic career and reveal much about his views of both the Franco-American alliance and negotiations with Great Britain. The controversy played out...