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Results 184341-184350 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The Gentleman who spoke yesterday has been treated as having dealt in the flowry Fields of Immagination I agree if this Governt. is dangerous to the Liberties of the People let us reject it— Tho no Considerations of Danger should induce us to adopt a Governmt. radically bad—yet it was prudent to weigh those Moti[v]es which might induce us to attend those Considerations which involve public...
Funds of the University. Application of the Funds. Balance on hand at the close of every year D D 1820. Apr. 1 st loan 40,000 1820. Apr. Debts 10,000 Oct. d o 20,000 1821. Jan. 1.
18434311. (Adams Papers)
Mrs. Smith and Louisa. W. Cranch.
At a called meeting of the Visitors of the Central College, held at the House of Mr. Madison in Orange, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Hartwell Cocke, and Joseph C. Cabell, being present: The plan of the first Pavilion to be erected, and the proceedings thereupon, having been stated and agreed to— It is agreed that application be made to Doctor Knox of Baltimore to accept the...
184345[Diary entry: 7 June 1781] (Washington Papers)
7th. A Letter from the Govr. of Virginia dated at Charlottesville the 28th. Ulto. representing the distressed State of Virginia & pressing my repairng thither, was received —other letters (but not official) speak of Lord Cornwallis’s advance to Hanover Court House—that the Marquis was retreating before him towards Fredericksburg and that General Leslie was embarked in James River with about...
184346[Diary entry: 28 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
28. Breakfasted at the Buck Tavern. Dined at Downs’s & lodged at New town upon Chester.
[Present: Leonard Gansevoort Esq r . Chairman; John Jay, Zephaniah Platt, Nathaniel Sacket, Esq rs .] . . . Resolved that Enoch Crosby assuming the Name of John do forthwith do forthwith repair to Mount Ephraim and use his Utm and use his utmost Art to ^ discover the ^ designs, Places of Resort, and Route, of certain disaffected Persons in that Quarter, who have form’d a Design of Joining the...
184348[Diary entry: 14 December 1768] (Washington Papers)
14. Snowd the best part of last Night and till 2 Oclock this day.
184349Monday March 4. 1776. (Adams Papers)
Resentment is a Passion, implanted by Nature for the Preservation of the Individual. Injury is the Object which excites it. Injustice, Wrong, Injury excites the Feeling of Resentment, as naturally and necessarily as Frost and Ice excite the feeling of cold, as fire excites heat, and as both excite Pain. A Man may have the Faculty of concealing his Resentment, or suppressing it, but he must and...
[ Philadelphia, December 4, 1782. ] Report of a committee, consisting of Samuel Osgood, James Madison, and Hamilton on a request of Captain John Paul Jones for permission to serve on a campaign with the Marquis de Vaudreuil. The committee reported that, “Congress having a high sense of the merit and services of Capt Jones,” the permission be granted. D , in writing of James Madison, with...