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Results 184321-184370 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The deligates from the various Towns in the County of Essex, & Commonwealth of Massachusetts in...
In transmitting to you, the accompanying resolutions, to be laid before both houses of congress,...
My last letter to you stated the plants which had been sent, & I was in hopes, after you had been...
During this Session of Congress a law hath been made authorising the payment of certain pensions...
Please to accept the inclosed copy of a letter to my friends in Tennessee—as an evidence of the...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation Lieut Nelson Luckett of the Marines to be...
In conformity to your request of the 19th. Inst., received late last evening & this morning...
It was my intention in my last letter to have mentioned to you my equiescence in your retaining...
I nominate Nelson Luckett now a Lieutenant of Marines to be a Captain in the regiment of Light...
In the War department a copy of a letter to Col. Meigs appears, dated Oct. 29th. 1808. in which...
I regret that the two copies of the General return of the Militia of the United States, requested...
As the order mentioned in the enclosed letter may eventually produce a state of War between the...
At a convention of one hundred and sixty deligates, from all the towns in the County of Essex...
At a Meeting of sixty Democratic Republican Delegates, from twenty one Townships of Washington...
Have you obtained the name & character of the son of Made. Bonneville? I believe there remains a...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Otis and observes that, by information just...
I have been requested to deliver to you the enclosed application—I take the liberty of mentioning...
On a minute examination of the records in the War Office, it does not appear that any order for...
The Act intituled “An Act for procuring an additional number of Arms, and for the purchase of...
As secratary of the Committee of Corespondence for Washington County (Pa) I have the honor of...
from the different Samples of wool which you have received from my respectable friend and...
Having changed my intentions with respect to the destination of the cotton seed, of which I wrote...
I recieved last night your friendly letter of the 21st. being determined that no act of mine,...
The two boxes of paste (as I conclude they are) shipped from Philadelphia so long ago as the...
The Newspaper accounts of the proceedings of the Legislature of Mass., during the present...
I have the honor to transmit you herewith returns of the Militia of the United States, made from...
This will be handed you by mr Beverley Randolph a Cadet, who goes on to take his place under you....
[Your favor of the] 20th I recived and shall not set off [until the] arrival of the next maile. I...
Your favour of the 30th ult. enclosing Checks on the bank of virginia in favour of Mr Nelson & My...
The pleasure that it gives me to live under a republican, Government is beyond the power of...
In the hurry of the approaching close of a session of Congress and of the preparations for my own...
Some very important news arrived the day before yesterday from England, and Spain, as I wish our...
I am much indebted fellow Citizens for your very friendly address, and read with great...
The Emperor of Russia having at different periods indicated sentiments particularly friendly to...
I have duly recieved your favor tendering the service of fifty citizens of Tenissee as a company...
The approbation which you are pleased to express of my past administration is highly gratifying...
The eventful crisis in our National Affairs so truly portrayed in your very friendly address, has...
Thou strange inconsistant man! always at variance with Thyself, at one period advocating the...
Mr Randolph has been applied to by the people of the County generally to know if you would have...
I have duly received your letter covering the resolutions of the Citizens of West Tennessee...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of a consultation with the heads of Depts. tomorrow at 12. Oclock....
The Emperor of Russia has, on several occasions, indicated sentiments particularly friendly to...
I have the honor of returning enclosed, the letter, covered by your note of this date—but cannot...
I hope your goodness will Excuse this intrusion, I reques you will inform me of the result of the...
I inclose you a letter from Capt Isaac Lane offering the service of 35. men as volunteers, but...
The Records of Antiquity exhibit innumerable Instances of wicked Men aided by the Evil Spirit,...
I received a few days ago your Excellency’s favor of the 9th. inst: covering the patriotic...
The inclosed Letter came under cover to me, with a request, that it might be immediately...
The Bearer Mr. H. Toland Junr is a very interesting young Gentleman & Son of a very worthy...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of Messrs. Collins & Perkins to send him a copy of Smith’s...