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Results 184301-184330 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
184301 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 8 June 1799 1799-06-08 I have finally determined upon the course which the inclosed copy of a letter to Major Adlum of...
184302 Bringhurst, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Bringhurst, 3 January … 1805-01-03 It is in much diffidence and fear that I now take my pen to address Thee with a few lines, and...
184303 Lawson, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Lawson, 2 April 1787 1787-04-02 I am this day favor’d with yours of the 26th Ulto & I am inform’d by the Overseer with whom my...
184304 Madison, James Coxe, Tench From James Madison to Tench Coxe, 1 March 1804 … 1804-03-01 1 March 1804, Department of State. “On the receipt of the proceeds arising from the sale of the...
184305 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Charles Francis From John Quincy Adams to Charles Francis Adams, 10 … 1822-11-10 I have received your Letter of the 2d. instt and trusting entirely to the faithfulness of the...
184306 Newton, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Newton, 25 September … 1801-09-25 I Received your favor of the 18th I most sincerely wish I had it in my power to recommend to you...
184307 Washington, George Congress VI. The President to the Senate and the House of … 1790-12-23 It appearing by the Report of the Secretary of the Government North West of the Ohio, that there...
184308 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, Francis From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Eppes, 27 February … 1793-02-27 The Commissioners to the Indian treaty will not leave this place till the 1st. of April, which...
184309 Madison, James Notes on Debates, 21 December 1782 1782-12-21 MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. The Committee to confer...
184310 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 3 December … 1783-12-03 I do myself the honor to inclose to your Excellency Copy of a Letter from Generals McDougall...
184311 Dorgenoy, Francis J. Le Breton Madison, James To James Madison from Francis J. Le Breton Dorgenoy, 27 … 1808-01-27 The honor of your letter Dated November 30th. was handed to me by the Governor of the territory,...
184312 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 January 1760] 1760-01-24 24. Fine day. Wind So[uther]ly. Gradual thaw.
184313 Washington, George Board of War From George Washington to the Board of War, 8 March … 1780-03-08 Inclosed you have Returns of Arms and Accoutrements wanting by the 2d and 4th Regiments of Light...
184314 Washington, George [Diary entry: 31 March 1748] 1748-03-31 Thursday 31st. Early this Morning one of our Men went out with the Gun & soon Returnd with two...
184315 Jefferson, Thomas Granger, Gideon From Thomas Jefferson to Gideon Granger, 31 March 1805 1805-03-31 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of the Postmaster genl. to let no papers be sent from his office to...
184316 Moylan, Stephen Washington, George To George Washington from Col. Stephen Moylan, 21 April … 1778-04-21 Letter not found: from Col. Stephen Moylan, 21 April 1778. GW wrote Moylan on 29 April , “I recd...
184317 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 28 December … 1825-12-28 I rec d yesterday evening yours of the 24 th inst: inclosing a paper drawn up with a view to the...
184318 Hook, Josiah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Josiah Hook, 24 December 1801 1801-12-24 I do myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of my commissions from your Exelency. I feel the...
184319 Madison, James Livingston, Robert R. From James Madison to Robert R. Livingston, 10 August … 1795-08-10 Your favor of July 6, having been addressed to Williamsburg, instead of Orange Court House , did...
184320 Jefferson, Thomas Dearborn, Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Dearborn, 29 February … 1804-02-29 Some compliment being proper for the militia of Tennissee who went to Natchez under the command...
184321 Adams, John Memorandum Concerning an Invitation from the Neutral … 1782-08-12 The Project in Some of the foreign Gazettes, of an Invitation from the neutral maritime...
184322 Davis, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Davis, 13 December 1806 1806-12-13 I have the honor to enclose you a Genoa Gazette received by this mornings mail, which contains...
184323 Washington, George Hunter, William From George Washington to William Hunter, 24 March 1785 1785-03-24 G. Washingtons Compliments to Mr Hunter—would thank him for forwarding the enclosed letter by a...
184324 Wilson, Philip Madison, James To James Madison from Philip Wilson, 7 September 1802 1802-09-07 Letter not found. 7 September 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Wilson, 11 Sept. 1802 (DNA: RG...
184325 Hilliard d’Auberteuil, Michel-René Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Hilliard d’Auberteuil, 16 May … 1782-05-16 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je prie votre excellence de vouloir bien me renvoyer...
184326 Randolph, Edmund Madison, James To James Madison from Edmund Randolph, 15 January 1783 1783-01-15 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Letter unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Addressed by Randolph to “The...
184327 Laval, John Jefferson, Thomas John Laval to Thomas Jefferson, 6 July 1822 1822-07-06 I have received from Col l Peyton , your Correspondent in Richmond , a Draft on the Bank of U.S....
184328 Harris, Levett Madison, James To James Madison from Levett Harris, 30 July 1806 … 1806-07-30 § From Levett Harris. 30 July 1806, St. Petersburg. “Some days Since, two Italians, representing...
184329 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 A Method of collecting Salt Petre from the Air which is talked of here is this. Take of Lime and...
184330 Tucker, St. George Madison, James To James Madison from St. George Tucker, 11 December … 1815-12-11 On friday last I had the pleasure of recieving your favor introducing the young Count Barziza, &...