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Results 184301-184330 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have finally determined upon the course which the inclosed copy of a letter to Major Adlum of this date indicates— With great respect I have the honor to be Sir Yr. Obed Ser ( ADf , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
It is in much diffidence and fear that I now take my pen to address Thee with a few lines, and wish to do it with that real Respect which is Due to the first Ruler of a great People and in that near Affection I feel for Thee, now finding the revolving Year does not diminish the Anxietys or lessen the cares generally Attendant on the Life of Man, as to myself I can truely say it, having for a...
I am this day favor’d with yours of the 26th Ulto & I am inform’d by the Overseer with whom my Negro Fellow lives that his leg is now nearly well—I have therefore directed him to send Neptune (who will deliver this) to Mount Vernon the moment he thinks him able to travel without injuring himself. I shall esteem it a favor if you will let me be inform’d when he arrives, & should you keep him...
1 March 1804, Department of State. “On the receipt of the proceeds arising from the sale of the guns and other articles lately made thro.’ Messrs. Pettit and Bayard, you will be pleased to account with and pay over what may remain, after deducting the expenses, to the Treasury.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p. This is a clerk’s error for “gums” (see Coxe to JM, 3 Feb. 1804 ,...
I have received your Letter of the 2d. instt and trusting entirely to the faithfulness of the account which you give in it, of your own conduct, am prepared as I have before promised you to make every allowance for the interruption of your studies occasioned by your infirm state of health—Hoping that it is now permanently recovered, I flatter myself you will make henceforth the proper use of...
I Received your favor of the 18th I most sincerely wish I had it in my power to recommend to you a person, to fill the place of Mr Wilkins at Cherrystone, but I am so little acquainted, that I have it not in my power.—The Eastern shore, I apprehend contains but few republicans & those I am acquainted with, I have reason to beleive if Mr. Peter Bowdoin would accept the office, he would...
It appearing by the Report of the Secretary of the Government North West of the Ohio, that there are certain cases respecting grants of land within that territory, which require the interference of the Legislature of the United States;—I have directed a Copy of said Report and the Papers therein referred to to be laid before you; together with a copy of the Report of the Secretary of State...
The Commissioners to the Indian treaty will not leave this place till the 1st. of April, which gives more time to provide for Jack. I shall not return home as soon as I expected, tho’ I shall not extend the term of my service long. I shall ship off my furniture about the beginning of April; and find in fact that my provision for winding up my affairs here, removing bag and baggage will fall...
184309Notes on Debates, 21 December 1782 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. The Committee to confer wth. Mr. Livingston was appointed the preceding day in consequence of the unwillingness of several States to elect either Gel. Schuyler, Mr. Clymer or Mr. Read the Gentlemen previously put into nomination, & of a hint that Mr. L. might be prevailed on to serve till the Spring. The Committee found...
I do myself the honor to inclose to your Excellency Copy of a Letter from Generals McDougall Clinton & Cortlandt in favor of Majr Hamtramck. My knowledge of that Officer is such, as makes the task of Recommendg him to the notice of the Government of this State, extremely pleasing—being assured that if it shall be in their power to favor his views his conduct will always justify any appointment...
The honor of your letter Dated November 30th. was handed to me by the Governor of the territory, on the 25th. January at about nine oClock in the morning, and immediately in Pursuance of the orders of the President Proceeded to the Bature in front of the suburb St. mary and in my official caracter Ordered away Sundry Persons whom I found labouring thereon and which Persons I know had commenced...
184312[Diary entry: 24 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
24. Fine day. Wind So[uther]ly. Gradual thaw.
Inclosed you have Returns of Arms and Accoutrements wanting by the 2d and 4th Regiments of Light Dragoons —The Articles of sadlery could, I beleive, have been procured in Connecticut, but the Dy Qr Mr General there did not think himself at liberty to proceed in the Business, without a special order, and therefore transmitted the Returns to the Quarter Master General for his direction—who,...
184314[Diary entry: 31 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 31st. Early this Morning one of our Men went out with the Gun & soon Returnd with two Wild Turkies. We then went to our Business. Run of three Lots & returnd to our Camping place at Stumps.
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of the Postmaster genl. to let no papers be sent from his office to him at this place after the post which shall leave Washington on Friday next, the 5th. of April. he presents him his salutations. PoC ( DLC ).
Letter not found: from Col. Stephen Moylan, 21 April 1778. GW wrote Moylan on 29 April , “I recd yours of the 21st instant.”
I rec d yesterday evening yours of the 24 th inst: inclosing a paper drawn up with a view to the question of “Roads & Canals,” and to the course of proceeding must expedient for the Legislature of Virg a now in session. In my retired position it is difficult to scan the precise tendency of measures addressed to the opinions & feelings of the States & of their Representatives; these being...
I do myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of my commissions from your Exelency. I feel the weight of obligation which your good opinion has laid on me, and desire you to accept of my most hearty and sincere thanks for the trust and confidence that you have seen fit to place in me— It shall be my greatest study to fulfil the duty of my office with fidelity and correctness, and in such a...
Your favor of July 6, having been addressed to Williamsburg, instead of Orange Court House , did not come to hand till two days ago. Your gloomy picture of the Treaty does not exceed my ideas of it. After yielding terms which would have been scorned by this Country in the moment of its greatest embarrassments, & of G. Britains full enjoyment of peace & confidence, it adds to the ruinous...
Some compliment being proper for the militia of Tennissee who went to Natchez under the command of Colo. George Dogherty may not something like the following be said on the part of the President in a letter from the Secretary at war to Colo. Dogherty or to the Governor of Tennissee? ‘the President has seen with great satisfaction the willingness with which the militia under your command [or...
The Project in Some of the foreign Gazettes, of an Invitation from the neutral maritime Confederacy, to the United States of America, to acceed to the Principles of their Treaty, is founded in evident Justice, Humanity and Utility. The Case of America is a new one. It has no Example in History, and therefore no Reasonings can be drawn from Example to decide it. All the World agrees that the...
I have the honor to enclose you a Genoa Gazette received by this mornings mail, which contains the late degree sic of His Majesty the Emperor of France declaring Great Britain in a state of Blockade &c &c &c. The Vessel which has on board my letters of yesterday, is still off the harbour, & have dispatched a Boat with the hope of placing this on board. With profound respect & Consideration I...
G. Washingtons Compliments to Mr Hunter—would thank him for forwarding the enclosed letter by a good oppertunity when any such offers. He would thank Mr Hunter for the Currt Cash prices of good Plank in Alexandria—Inch—Inch & Quarter—and Inch and half. this by the bearer. If there is any Vessel in the harbor with these, & do not meet a ready Sale, he would take some, if good, of each, if the...
Letter not found. 7 September 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Wilson, 11 Sept. 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as an inquiry about Wilson’s claim against the British government on account of his ship. Brent replied in JM’s absence that “the dispatches of Mr. King which were brot. by Major Lenox, contain no intelligence concerning your claim,… but I will lose no time in examining some of his...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je prie votre excellence de vouloir bien me renvoyer sans retard, les épreuves que j’ai pris la liberté de lui adresser, parceque le retard gêne les imprimeurs, qui n’ont pas assés de caracteres pour attendre plus longtems. J’ai l’honneur de lui envoyer les feuilles K L & M, dont j’ai deja lu de premieres épreuves. Je suis avec la consideration la plus...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Letter unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Addressed by Randolph to “The Honble Jas. Madison jr. esqr. of congress Philadelphia.” Docketed by JM, “Jany. 15. 1782,” a misdating by a year. The extreme badness of the weather prevented me from sending a letter from hence to Richmond for the post of last week. As I am really uneasy, at a little seeming omission on my part to...
I have received from Col l Peyton , your Correspondent in Richmond , a Draft on the Bank of U.S. for Thirty one Dollars & fifty seven Cents Which I have placed to your Credit. RC ( MHi ); dateline at foot of text; adjacent to dateline: “ Thomas Jefferson , Esq.”; endorsed by TJ as received 14 July 1822, but recorded in SJL as received two days earlier.
§ From Levett Harris. 30 July 1806, St. Petersburg. “Some days Since, two Italians, representing themselves to be priests of the Roman Catholick religion, called upon me, and made particular inquiries respecting America, whither they proposed going, and residing in their clerical capacities. They further requested my interference in their behalf for passage, in one of our Ships then in port,...
A Method of collecting Salt Petre from the Air which is talked of here is this. Take of Lime and Ashes equal Quantities, and of horse dung a Quantity equal to both the Ashes and Lime, mix them together into a Mortar, with this Mortar and a Quantity of long Straw to keep it together build two Walls Eighteen Inches thick, and three feet high, about four feet asunder. Then make a Center and turn...
On friday last I had the pleasure of recieving your favor introducing the young Count Barziza, & his friend to my Acquaintance; they did me the favor to dine with me, and I was much pleased with them both. Fortunately, Mr. Scott had not left Williamsburg; I availed myself of that Circumstance by introducing them to him, & have reason to think he may be the means of procuring them such...