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Results 184301-184330 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
184301[August 1761] (Washington Papers)
Augt. 15th. Sow’d abt. half an Acre of English Turnip Seed adjoining to the above and Raked them...
184302[Diary entry: 20 July 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Rid into the Neck. Mr. Piper, Mr. Ross & Mr. Gibson Dind & Lodgd here. Mr. Gibson may be...
184303[Diary entry: 5 August 1771] (Washington Papers)
5. At home all day. Colo. Fairfax came here to breakfast & returnd afterwards. Doctr. Craik came...
I William Marshall Clerk of the Court of the United States for the Middle Circuit in the Virginia...
Washington in the territory of Columbia A Premium of a lot in this city to be designated by...
[ Philadelphia, March 10–April 17, 1794 ] “I have the honor of transmitting … a letter … which on...
184307Cash Accounts, February 1760 (Washington Papers)
Cash Feby 27— To Wm Nationss horse destraind on & sold for £ 5. 0.0 To Cash at Cards 3. 1.0...
17 October 1770. MS not found. Draft prepared by a committee appointed 16 October composed of JA...
184309[Diary entry: 2 November 1771] (Washington Papers)
2. Dined with the Council and Spent the Evening in my own Room a writing. GW is probably...
184310[Diary entry: 9 August 1798] (Washington Papers)
9. Morning clear & calm M. 78. Clear all day. Mer. 90 at Noon & 84 at Night. Clear & calm all...
18431121st. (Adams Papers)
Upon Stacey’s invitation I went with him and Putnam, and two young lads by the name of Greenough,...
184312July 6th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Mayhew of Martha’s Vineyard.
184313[Diary entry: 15 May 1781] (Washington Papers)
15th. Information, dated 12 oclock yesterday reports 15 Sail of Vessels & a number of Flatboats...
184314[Diary entry: 27 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
27. Clear with the Wind Westwardly & sometimes blowing fresh.
AD (draft): American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress This document, as Franklin...
Debt due to Gr. Britain.     mr King’s proposition Debt from US. to G.B. at commencemt of war...
184317Circular to the States, 22 May 1779 (Washington Papers)
The situation of our affairs at this period appears to me peculiarly critical, and this I flatter...
Dol. 90ths Dol. 90ths Taken from Returns, dated March 7, 1789, New-Hampshire 3,170    March 7,...
184319[Diary entry: 26 December 1768] (Washington Papers)
26. Ditto—Do.—L. W——n. set of for Staffd.
John Adams with his Consort and their Family desire prayers that the death of a grandchild may be...
At a Time, when the Barriers against Popery, erected by our Ancestors, are suffered to be...
184322Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
The two documents which follow are virtually all that have survived pertinent to Adams’ early law...
184323Saturday November 1. 1783. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went with Mr. W. Vaughan to see the Paintings of Mr. Pine, and Mr. Copley, and Sir...
That the Subjects of his Britannic Majesty and the People of the Said United States Shall...
184325[Diary entry: 29 January 1773] (Washington Papers)
29. At home all day alone.
184326[Diary entry: 12 March 1787] (Washington Papers)
Monday 12th. Mercury at 36 in the Morng.—60 at Noon and 58 at N. Morning a little Cloudy with the...
184327[Diary entry: 26 May 1773] (Washington Papers)
26. Din’d at Elizabeth Town, & reachd New York in the Evening wch. I spent at Hull’s Tavern....
184328[Diary entry: 6 November 1765] (Washington Papers)
6. Finishd sowing Wheat at the Mill—viz. 19 Bushls. in the large cut within the Post & Rail fence...
184329[Diary entry: 26 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
26. Began to deliver my Wheat to Mr. Kirk. Carpenters not having quite finishd the Overseers...
184330September 1784 (Washington Papers)
Having found it indispensably necessary to visit my Landed property west of the Apalacheon...