Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Shawnee Nation, 12 December 1807

Wabawnetah or the Black Hoofs Town.
12th. Mo. 12th. ’807

The Address of the Chiefs of the Shawnees Nation, to the President and Sacratary at War:

Fathers. We have all meet this day together to hold a Council for the good of our selves, our women and Children, and to assure you that what was said to us at your Town last winter, we wish to keep in rememberence, we have not forgot that you told us to Collect all our Nation to one place, but some of our Nation is so hard to deal with, that we cannot get it done, that part of our Nation that Reside at Greenville will not listen to us, but are going to moove from there, some where down the Wabash River; We therefore, think best to let you Know it, we till you again—

Fathers, we will do, what we promised you, as we have no other View, then to mind our business, Since we have our friends the Quakers to help us, we make no doubt, but all that we can get here will do well for them selves their women & Children, when we tell you, that we Still remember what you told us last winter you may depend upon it to be true.

Fathers. we have heared a great many things from the Children of our Oald father (the King of England). but are all determined not to mind them, but will listen to you & your good Children at all times & keep in rememberence that you told us to bring up our women & Children in a good way and provide well for them.—Therefore when we heard the News of War with the British we ware very Sorry on many Accounts.—

Fathers. about our Collecting the four Nation that was mentioned when we Saw you, we have had a Talk with the Delewares, who ware well Satisfyed with the propotial of dividing the Lands the Wyndots & Miamis we have not Seen as the have been very much ingaged since our Return, but as Soon as we Council with them we will let you Know what they Say—

Fathers. We mentioned to you last winter how we ware treated about our Annuities, that we never could get all that was promised us since the treaty at Greenville, you told us then, that this year we should get all & in good Order and at a place that would be convenient for us to receive them. last fall Governor Hull wrote for us to come & receive them, that they ware all ready? On remenbering you told us we should receive them all. We took our Women & children with us, but to our great Surprise when we meet the Governor, he informed us that he had taken out Three hundred Dollars for horses that had been stolen and the half that remained he had given to the people of Greenville. Now Fathers, we believe you want to do Justice to us your red Children but we are sorry to say that what you wish is not done, the Govenor made us give him a Receipt for our Annuities but Shewed us Nothing that would prove the horses were Stolen only Said, there was three Stolen. Now Fathers we till you the truth and hope you will listen to us so far as to get Justice done for us in future If we could receive our Annuities Some other way we think it would be better and may tell you we have made all the inquiry we could but cannot find who stole the horses. If the Governor had told us who took them we might have tried to git them again and told the people of their bad conduct, but we can assure you they are not among the people at this place or among us.

Fathers. We have told you that one half of our Annuities was given to the people at Greenville before we Seen them which we think is not rite as therise not half as many of our Nation lives there as thereis here and none of our Principal Chiefs there, but bleujacket who we do not consider as a Chief as he does not come to our Council so that you may now see that there has but very little comes to our share to devide among the rest of the Nation none of us get more than a Blankett a Shirt or a Axe, and the greater part of us nothing at all. We therefore think if you would send our Annuities the Next year to us in Money we could divide them more equal and to better advantages to our Selves as we are in want of many things to make the lives of our women & Children comfortable that we cannot git without Money—

Fathers. Listen once more we have to tell you, that when the last purchace of Land was made at Khyhawghga we were promised a Share of the Monies that ware to be received from that purchase Three years are now past, and we have received none, when we asked Governor Hull about it, he told us he had given it all to the Wyandots—Fathers. We hope you will think Sereously of all those things and try to get them all done rite so that we may get that wich is due to us in future and believe that we want to do as you wish us, So that the Golden Chain that binds us together may always remain bright.

Signed on behalf of the Council by.

Black Hoof—his mark

Chaw Kalowaik—his mark

Dameenaytha or Butler—his mark

Big Snake—his mark

Present at the Council

Wm Kirk

Duehouguct Interpr.

DNA: RG 107—LR—Letters Received by the Secretary of War.

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