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Results 184251-184300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 5 th of this month , on the subject of a petition, presented to the Legislature, by the Rivanna Company —If that subject should come before the Senate, I will take pleasure, in investigating the facts, and in presenting them to the other members of our house, in their true character— RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 13 Jan. 1813...
Letter not found: from Gustavus Scott, c.3 Sept. 1795. On 3 Sept., William Deakins, Jr., wrote GW: “The Commissioners by this days post will inform you their Situation.” On 14 Sept., GW wrote Robert Morris: “The letter herewith enclosed from Mr Scott (one of the Commissioners of the Fedl City) was met by me on my way to George Town with another from Colo. Deakins to the same effect.”
As I am reduced to the necessity of copying all my own Letters, and as one of the duties the most indispensable to my heart is that of punctuality in my Correspondence with you, I have made it a principle to have my Letter ready for you in the Morning of the Post-day upon which it is dispatched, although it does not go to the Post-Office, untill 8 in the Evening. Hence it was that I had only...
It is now become very material that the whole of my doors should be finished & got to Monticello as speedily as possible, as my painter will otherwise have left me. he is a most capibal hand, and should he not paint them, it may be years before I have another opportunity. Capt. Andrews is gone to New York, he told me before he went away that he was desired to leave some money for you in my...
Colo. Fleury this moment presented to me the letter your Excellency did me the honor to write from Trenton. & by his communication of your arrival at that place without accident, & meeting Monsr Gerard in good health, made me perfectly happy. Monsr Fleury has obtained my consent to be absent from this Army—He carries with him a certificate expressive of his great merit as an Officer—and a...
184256[Diary entry: 23 January 1773] (Washington Papers)
23. Ground very hard froze again and day variable—sometimes threatning snow—then promising to be fair and warm. Wind for the Most part Easterly but not much of it.
Before We dismiss these cool Thoughts it may not be amiss to Subjoin a few Reflections, upon the Certainty of American Independance. We have repeated the Word Rebellion, untill the People have been wrought Up, to a Pitch of Passion and Enthusiasm, which has rendered them incapable of listening to the Still voice of Reason. Men are governed by Words, their Passions are inflamed by Words. Policy...
3 January 1805, Vienna Customhouse, Collector’s Office. “In 1795 I recvd, two commissions from President Washington, one as collector of the customs for this District and the other as Inspector, which commissions was consum’d by fire as well as my dwelling house on the 30th. Janry. 1804. I have acted under the authority given me ever since, and has endeavored to discharge my duty with...
After a long silence Rembrandt again communicates to me, dated London March 28th.—1803. “ The best news I can tell you , is that we are all well from, Influenza, coughs & colds, and feel the balmy breath of Spring; Nothing but a tempory Fog obscures the morning Sun, our Parlour fire is extinguished, the buds are bursting & the fragrant Hyacinth is drest in all her gaiety: such a pleasing...
The solicitude I feel for the safety of Baltimore induces me to Claim your attention for a moment on that subject. Heavy guns have been procured by the City, and Considerable preparations made by the Citizens for its deffence, and with the aid of the drafted militia ordered into service, I have little doubt in a few days we will be able to meet and repell the Enemies present force, provided we...
It would be an affectation in me, to dissemble the pleasure I feel, on receiving this kind address. My long experience of the Wisdom, Fortitude, and Patriotism, of the Senate of the United States, enhances in my estimation, the Value of those obliging expressions of your approbation of my conduct, which are a generous reward for the past, and an affecting encouragement to constancy and...
The United States of America in Congress Assembled impressed with a deep sense of your wisdom and magnanimity and being desirous of cultivating the friendship of your Highness and of the seven United Provinces of the Netherlands who have ever distinguished themselves by an Inviolable attachment to freedom and the rights of Nations, have appointed the honorable John Adams late a delegate in...
Owing to the interruption of the communication between this country & Holland, I have not been able to Receive any remittance from, or to draw on Messrs. Willinks & Vanstaphorst Since the 6th. July last. I was therefore under the necessity of drawing on your department under date of Sep. 22. 1808 in favor of Richard Hackley for the sum of 1400 Ds., being a few dollars more than half the...
If I have not too much sense, I hope I have not enough of vanity to attribute the very kind & flattering message delivered to me by Dr: Reynolds in your name, to any but the true cause; the exagerated encomia of a most eloquent pleader. I came here as I thought to a country of Liberty and equality, phrases that may, & have been much distorted but can not be dishonoured, I do not find it such &...
Know all men by these presents, that we Thomas Jefferson , Rector, and James Breckenridge , James Madison , Joseph C. Cabell , John H. Cocke , Chapman Johnson , and Robert B. Taylor , Visitors of the University of Virginia , are held and firmly bound to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund , in the sum of forty thousand dollars, to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we...
I enclose an extract of a letter from the Postmaster General to the President containing information that trespasses are committing on a certain species of timber, growing on the public lands near lake Erie. It is the President’s direction that you warn by proclamation all persons from committing such trespass, and that you be afterwards watchful to cause the trespassers to suffer proper legal...
The information which I have by the Eastern mail rather increases than removes the anxiety produced by the last. I give it to you as I have recd. it in the words of Mr. King. “Our Convention proceeds slowly. An apprehension that the liberties of the people are in danger, and a distrust of men of property or education have a more powerful effect upon the minds of our opponents than any specific...
I had the honor to receive your letter of the 26th Ultimo on wednesday. I write so soon to allay the apprehensions of your brother. The Securityship alluded to has entirely escaped the recollection of your Sister and myself. I have hopes that I have obtained the deposition of Mr John Hilliman of Knoxvill⟨e⟩ (as witness to the Bond) that will place the transaction in a proper point of view and...
[ Philadelphia, January 22, 1795. On January 24, 1795, Hamilton wrote to Delany : “I return herewith the papers transmitted with your letter of the 22d. of January.” Letter not found. ]
Your favor of the 21st. came to hand last evening. It was meant that you should keep the pamphlet inclosed in it. I have seen Freneau, and, as well as Col: H. Lee, have pressed the establishment of himself in Philada. where alone his talents can do the good or reap the profit of which they are capable. Though leaning strongly against the measure, under the influence of little objections which...
In consequence of the packets being prevented from playing betwe e n this and Philad a , I am deprived of the means of doing any thing in the porter line. S. H Smith being lately appointed Commissioner of the revenue, will have the disposing of a variety of offices, Such as, assessors, stamper &c. Collectors will be appointed by the President . A line from you to the President and m r
The Address of the Chiefs of the Shawnees Nation, to the President and Sacratary at War: Fathers. We have all meet this day together to hold a Council for the good of our selves, our women and Children, and to assure you that what was said to us at your Town last winter, we wish to keep in rememberence, we have not forgot that you told us to Collect all our Nation to one place, but some of our...
I have this moment received your sentiments with respect to the constitutionality of the Bill “to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States.” This bill was presented to me by the joint Commee. of Congress at 12 o’Clock on Monday the 14th. instant. To what precise period, by legal interpretation of the constitution, can the president retain it in his possession, before it...
184274[Diary entry: 30 December 1797] (Washington Papers)
30. Just such a day as yesterday—Mer. 20 to 40. Mrs. Washington came here and Mr. Wm. Dandridge to do business for me in the way of writing. William Dandridge probably did not stay long at Mount Vernon. The only mentions of him in the accounts after this date are an entry for $25 on 3 Feb. 1798, “By Cash given to Mr. Wm. Dandridge,” and a similar entry on 11 April (GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1 Sept....
Letter not found: to Lt. Col. Robert Hanson Harrison, 12 Jan. 1777. In his letter of 20 Feb. 1777 to the Maryland council of safety, Samuel Chase asked the council “to consider the following Extract of a Letter from Genl. Washington to his Friend Colo. Harrison, of 12 [ultimo]. ‘With great Truth I can add, that Heaven alone knows upon what principle they (the Enemy) act, or by what Means, they...
22 April 1805, New Orleans . “Mr. Brown the Collector, has just informed me of a contest which the Revenue Cutter has recently had with two Privateers in the Vicinity of the Balize. The particulars are as follow. For some time past, two British Privateers from Providence, have been cruising of[f ] the Mouth of the Mississippi, and were in the habit of Boarding every Vessel coming in and going...
Having already written to Mrs Adams, by this conveyance, my dear Madam, I cannot think of losing, so favorable an opportunity, of repeating my thanks for your kind care of l my beloved Children; of whose happiness and welfare, I have a full conviction while under your protection—Never untill now , did I so sensibly feel the loss, of the little property I was once taught to expect, I might then...
Mr Eppes thinks we had best remain here My Dear Papa till we hear further from you about the measles, I must therefore beg you will write as soon as you can conveniently after arriving at Monticello, you know not how anxious I am to see you, after having so long look’d forward to this period with so much pleasure, to be disappointed at the very moment which was to reunite us after so long an...
The boxes alluded to in your favor of the 25th, were re-shipped to Baltimore on the 21st. Yr. Very humble Servt. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Letter not found: from Presley Nevill, 25 Oct. 1786. On 27 Nov. GW wrote Nevill thanking him for “your letter of the 25th ulto from the Court House of Washington.”
I shall be obliged to you, or some friend in Congress, to inform me what has been, or is like to be done, with respect to my reference of the case of Captn Huddy? I cannot forbear complaining of the cruel situation I now am, & oftentimes have been placed in, by the silence of Congress in matters of high importance—and which the good of Service, & my official duty, has obliged me to call upon...
Rapport des commissaires chargés par le Roi, de l’examen du magnétisme animal (Paris, 1784) The commissioners of the Faculté de médecine and the Académie des sciences—with the exception of Franklin—met in Paris on Wednesday, August 11, to sign the report of their four-month investigation. Franklin, unable to travel, had signed in advance, having received the pristine manuscript in a locked box...
Nothing but a knowledge of you goodness, Could Create in me a presumption to trouble your Excellency with the folowing nerrative, and as no apology can be Sufficient to excuse me, I need not atempt any, but leave it to your Excellency, to pardon or condemn as it best deserves. I was at the age of Eighteen, by the death of my parents, left without Either money friends or a trade, the Clock and...
I have received yours of the 3d. instant. I have already informed you of my having forwarded you the French Edition of Milton received from E.R. Cortez’s letters are not come to hand. It seems that Blake by whom you expected them is not the person thro’ whom the Milton came, and that he is not yet arrived. The correspondence with Hammond has been forwarded in detachments by Col. Monroe. The...
Permit me to submit, to your judgement An address of mine to the people at large in the view of the prosperity and the permanency of our union. The subject is a Novelty for Many Citizens, who Never had the opportunity of thinking of it—and as the work intended would require time, it seems to me that they could not be Brought too soon to their Reflexions. If you Approve of the measure, I wish...
It is difficult to ascertain with Precision the Designs of the Enemy: But by the best Intelligence We can obtain their Malice and Revenge against New England, is implacable. Their Intentions, most probably, are, to come over the Lakes and enter N. England by that Way, to attack it by the Way of Rhode Island, and also by the Way of the North or the East River. An Armament, may possibly be...
The annual meeting of the United States’ Military Philosophical Society will be held in the City of New York on Monday the first day of November next: The time of the day and place of meeting will be made known through the daily papers of the preceding week. The business which will then come before the Society will be 1. To receive Reports relative to the affairs of the Society since the last...
Tengo la honra de poner en noticia de este Gobíerno, de orden de S. M. C. el Rey mi Amo Fernando VII, y comunícada por el Exmo. Señor Dn. Pedro Cevallos, primer Secretario de Estado y del Despache, con fha. del 19. de Marzo, el decreto adjunto, por el que resulta la abdícacion de Carlos IV. de la Corona en su Hijo Fernando VII. interin se expiden las cartas de Cancílleria de notífícacion para...
We hope you will have the goodness to excuse the long delay of an answer to your favour on the subject of Baxter ’s Edition of Hume ’s England. The arrangements of our business are incompatible with the undertaking such a work at present. Should any new plan take place, we shall give the subject that serious consideration, to which the high character you bestow on the work entitles it...
184290[Diary entry: 20 May 1773] (Washington Papers)
20. Still clear & midling Cool wind fresh from the west.
Je viens de traduire pour Monseigneur le Comte de Vergennes, les divers papiers de la gazette de New-York que vous trouveres dans le fragment ci-joint d’une gazette angloise du 17. de ce mois. Il n’est pas douteux que le prochain Courier de l’Europe ne contienne une traduction de ces divers papiers. Toute la france y verra un des deux cotes de la question, c’est a dire, celui sous le quel les...
The preceding numbers are chiefly intended to confirm an opinion, already pretty generally received, that it is necessary to augment the powers of the confederation. The principal difficulty yet remains, to fix the public judgment, definitively, on the points, which ought to compose that augmentation. It may be pronounced with confidence, that nothing short of the following articles can...
Two days before I left Washington , I had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 14 h of April .—This letter was of two much importance to me to be hastily answered amidsst amidst the hurry of the preparations necessary to my leaving Washington , and I brought it with me hither in hopes that I should find more leisure than at home to say to you all that is upon my mind in relation to the...
Reprinted from [Jared Sparks, ed.,] A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 1833), pp. 132–3. I received your kind letter of the 23d of March. I was happy to find that neither you, nor any of your family, were in the way of those murderers. I hope that before this time the town is quite freed from such dangerous and mischievous inmates. I...
I am assembling our whole Continental Force at this place with an intent to move down towards New York, in hopes, that an opportunity may offer in the absence of Sir Henry Clinton of striking the Enemy to advantage or at least of gaining possession of some posts which will be of very great advantage in carrying on our future operations. I have taken the liberty to order the two State Regiments...
The Fish mention’d by the Secretary of War, are doubtless meant to be those of the Season, as Shad or Herring—whether Salted or fresh I cannot determine, perhaps both. On the subject of your request for leave of absence, Major General McDugal has so early as the first of this month entered his caveat against your obtaining it—his reasons are assign’d in the inclosed copy of his Letter to...
Being obliged to attend our Legislature the first of next month it will be out of my power to collect examine and prepare the necessary facts relative to your queries, at least till after the end of the session; and as a majority of the house of delegates is said to be antifederal I can form no judgement of its duration. Be assured I was not only made exceedingly happy by your appointment but...
In the Year 1800—in the Month of March I Received on Board of my Vessel, thirteen Portugues Seamen who were taken By me from a Wrack in the greatest distress, off the western Islands, at least 1 300 leages from Land. The Expence of Victuals & Clothing furnished them untill they were landed at Norfolk, I consider should be paid without a moments delay, either By our Govt. or the Portugues...
Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Jefferson rector and James Breckenridge, James Madison, Joseph C. Cabell, John H. Cocke Chapman Johnson and George Loyall, Visitors of the University of Virginia are held and firmly bound to the President and Directors of the Literary fund in the sum of sixty thousand Dollars, to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania As I am sensible thou art well acquainted with Benja. Franklin’s Character a recommendation of him seems unnecessary, yet as I would not be deficient in respect to him and am Sincerely desirous he may succeed in the important Service he is engag’d in, I cannot but desire he may have some Share of thy Friendship and so far as his views and measures tend...