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Results 184251-184300 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I neglected when in the City the other day—to make inquiery whether my second son, who at present...
At a time when you are about retiring from an office the most dignified and respectable, as also...
I nominate Peter Gansevoort junr. of New York to be a Brigadier General in the troops raised by...
I nominate Humphrey Magrath, now sailing master, Charles C. B. Thompson James P. Wilmer. Francis...
I recieved duly your favor of Sep. 8. and with it the 10th. volume of the Memoirs of the society...
I once more a Dress You respecting My New Years Gift. I have recd fifty Cents. from Mr....
I have the honor of enclosing to you certain resolutions concerning our foreign relations and...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Colo. Van-Ness & Judge Craunch, and returns the draught...
I had been inflicted with the disentary piles and Sore legs for five years in the year 1808 local...
You set higher and their is no doubt but you most see further but we who most judge from what we...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following appointments in the First Legion...
I do not recollect that any application was made by Mr Fitzhugh in behalf of his son. There is...
I inclose you a sample of wool of my Merino sheep, and will thank you for your opinion of it &...
When I am about to address you perhaps for the last time as chief Majistrate in favor of a...
I received your favour of the 8th. inst. and such of the articles ordered as I have, or can...
mr. Dinsmore, in his last letter to me, desired me to send you 50. Dollars; which I now inclose...
I must once more be troublesome to you on the subject of Wool. I inclose you a sample of the wool...
Be pleased to pay to the order of John Barnes the amount of the half year’s dividend due &...
The pay of a Cadet in the Artillery is ten dollars per month, & he receives two rations per day....
Agreable to your Excellence’s request of 10th. inst; I have forwarded by this day Mail, half...
I recieved two days ago your favor of the 11th. and immediately applied at the War office, where...
By order of the meeting I transmit to you the enclosed duplicate of their proceedings. With...
I should sooner have acknowledged the receipt of your favor of the 8th. Inst. but that when I...
In the instant of the departure of the post Genl. Dearborne calls on me to know the name of a...
With respect to young Drayton the midshipman—it is proper to state to you, that there are now in...
Conscious that I have no unworthy motive for giving you so much trouble—I trust you will believe...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation   Fitzhugh, John A. Chandler, William Hobart...
The repeated neglects on the part of Mr Neufville Comr. of loans for S. Carolina to render his...
Van Pradelles register is dead Persons recommended Grymes dist. atty. with 600 dollars only...
Be pleased to Pardon the Subscriber if He is rong in hes Judgement in this Critical moment of Our...
J G Jackson presents his best respects to the President of the U States, & in compliance with the...
Your petitioner William Keough begs leave to state to your excellency that in February 1808 in...
Major Brocier a Gent. of this town is, this moment with me, on the wing for the city of...
Before you retire from the duties of Publick life permit me to request your acknowledgement of...
Je suppose mes Lettres du 12 Dec. et 2 Janv—reponse a la Votre du 26 Oct. dans Vos Venerables...
I must trouble you again on the subject of paint & oil by asking the favor of you, to send for me...
I yesterday forwarded to the Treasury my accounts in relation to furniture for the President’s...
It was early perceived that the passions, prejudice, general disposition and character of the...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following promotions and appointment in...
I accept with gratefull feelings the recent mark of your friendship, and having taken the...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation John W. Guion to be appointed Military Agent...
Mr LeMair has no inventory of the furniture of the President’s house, but he informs me that Mr...
I duly recieved your favor covering the resolutions and address of the citizens of Wilmington &...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 11th. covering resolutions of the General assembly of...
You will please to excuse the crude state of the inclosed, it having been executed by my son, a...
Thomas Jefferson Esqr. To Jos. Dougherty Dr. D— cts To 30 bushels oats @ 40 cts per bushel 12— 00...
I have duly recieved the resolutions of the republican citizens of Annapolis and Anne-Arundel...
I Recieved thy favor of 13th. with the Inclosed Specimen of Spanish Merinos wool. I have compared...
The resolutions entered into at a meeting of the Officers of the legionary brigade of the first...
The name of the young gentleman for whom the application was made is Moultrie. The Christian name...