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Results 184251-184300 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
184251[Diary entry: 13 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
13. Went up to Alexandria Church. In the Evening Colo. Blackburn Mr. Lee, & Mr. Richd. Graham...
184252General Orders, 25 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
The troops having arrived at the place of encamping so early, they can with the greatest ease...
18425317th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Andrews preach’d for us; this forenoon he was lengthy in his prayer upon the late misfortunes...
ALS : William Logan Fox, Philadelphia (1956) I wrote to you of the 22d past, via Maryland....
184255General Orders, 16 August 1775 (Washington Papers)
Capt. Eleazer Lindsey of Col. Gerrishes Regt tried by a General Court Martial, for “absenting...
184256[Diary entry: 31 October 1769] (Washington Papers)
31. Cloudy & misty Morning and rainy afternoon. Wind still Eastwdly.
184257[Diary entry: 3 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
3. Wind at No. Wt.—fresh & Cool all the forepart of the day—latter part moderate—Wind Southerly.
Printed by Benjamin Franklin, Passy, 1779. Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: Archives...
Printed in The London Chronicle , Dec. 23–25, 1773 By the late summer of 1773 the furor aroused...
Believing that it would be advantageous to have a school established in the neighborhood of the...
184261[Diary entry: 25 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. Doctr. Rumney went away. I went to the Creek but not cross it. Killd 2 Ducks—viz. a sprig...
184262General Orders, 25 July 1778 (Washington Papers)
All Officers who have received public Monies, which are yet unaccounted for will prepare and...
184263General Orders, 1 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
It being necessary there should be an Arrangement of the troops, in order that they may act with...
184264Sunday [2 March]. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Wibirt.
✓ 1817. Dec. 9. Beg g in the S. 50. E. line at 12 ½ po. from the fore & aft. white oak, and 111 ½...
184266General Orders, 17 March 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Regiments under marching orders, to march to morrow morning at sun-rise. Varick transcript ,...
To the People of the State of New-York. THE next view which I shall take of the House of...
184268[Diary entry: 1 February 1798] (Washington Papers)
1. Clear wind about So. Wt. & Mer. 28 in the Morning. Pretty brisk from No. Wt, about Noon & calm...
On 9 December 1791 the Senate approved the apportionment bill but amended the ratio of...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, II, 137). In JM’s hand. Docketed by him: “Motion of Mr. Madison seconded...
184271[Diary entry: 8 March 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 8th. Mercury at 34 in the Morning—48 at Noon and 42 at Night. Grey Morning with some...
184272[Diary entry: 30 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
30. Again warm with little or no Wind & that in the same Quarter. A little Rain in the Night.
184273[Diary entry: 5 November 1787] (Washington Papers)
Monday 5th. Thermometer at 48 in the Morning—58 at Noon and 56 at Night. But little Wind, clear &...
184274[Diary entry: 12 October 1771] (Washington Papers)
12. Much such weather as yesterday.
George Washington President of the United States of America. To all to whom these Presents shall...
Document not found. Ca. 13 December 1796. Presented by JM to the House of Representatives, 13...
184277[Diary entry: 19 July 1798] (Washington Papers)
19. Morning—clear—Wind North. Mer. 60. Clear all day. Wind blowing fresh from No. Wt. Mer. 66 at...
18427831st. (Adams Papers)
I amuse myself in reading Junius’s letters; which though the factious productions of a partizan,...
184279Tuesday. June 17th. (Adams Papers)
Arose before the sun again. This is the last day. What, and who to day? Ebenezer Hayden was...
184280[Diary entry: 9 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
9. Rain last Night. Wind high & Cool from the No. West all day but moderating towards Night.
184281General Orders, 28 December 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date...
Broadside: American Philosophical Society Among Franklin’s papers in the American Philosophical...
184283[Diary entry: 6 July 1774] (Washington Papers)
6. Again very hot with Clouds in the Afternoon & a fine Rain in the Night.
I should not trouble your Excellency, with such reiterated applications on the score of supplies,...
184285Friday Octr. 31st. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Vaughan’s: in the evening we went to the Drury Lane Theatre, where Isabella, or the...
184286[Diary entry: 3 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
3. Clear & pleasant but little Wind.
B. Franklin’s Observations on Mr Jay’s Draft of a Letter to Mr Livingston, which occasioned the...
184288Sunday September 7th. 1788. (Adams Papers)
The Marquis to Sainneville, commander of the french Squadron now in the harbour, and the...
Lieutenant-colonel Alexander Hamilton was next produced on the part of the Prosecution, and...
184290[Diary entry: 22 February 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 22d. Mercury at 30 in the morng.—55 at Noon and 48 at Night. Day pleasant, with the Wind...
184291[Diary entry: 31 October 1765] (Washington Papers)
31. Finishd sowing Wheat in Hemp Ground at Rivr. Plantn. & plowd in a good deal of shattered Hemp...
184292[Diary entry: 15 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
15. Heavy Morng. Rain abt. 8 Oclock & till 2 then Snow. Variable Winds.
Ham[ilton]—combats the propriety of the word “ expresly ” congress one to regulate trade—now they...
184294Orders, 6–8 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
The General Court martial, whereof Lieutenant Colonel Stephen was President, is dissolved....
184295[Diary entry: 12 May 1768] (Washington Papers)
12. Went to New Kent Court with Colo. Bassett.
Like his longstanding predecessor, George Clinton, Jay used the governor’s office to carry out...
184297General Orders, 10 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I have some Spring Barley for sale, and if you incline to buy it, would be glad to know what you...
18429931 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A rainy forenoon. Dined at Mr. Paines. A fair after noon . The Nature and Essence of the material...
184300[Diary entry: 23 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. At home all day. Doctr. Rumney came to Dinner.