Circular to Governors of Western States and Territories, 28 November 1806
Circular to Governors of Western States and Territories
Department of State November 28th. 1806
I inclose herewith a number of printed copies of a proclamation issued yesterday by the President,1 in order to arrest an enterprize represented to be in preparation against the possessions of Spain. You will be pleased to make the disposition of them which you may judge the most suitable for the occasion. I have the honor to be with very great respect Sir, Your most obt. Sert.
James Madison
RC (MH); letterbook copy (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 15); Tr (MiD-B). RC in Pleasonton’s hand, signed by JM; docketed in an unidentified hand; addressed to William Hull. Letterbook copy marked “(Circular)” and addressed to the governors of the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio and the territories of Orleans, Mississippi, Louisiana, Indiana, and Michigan. Tr is a copy of the RC. For enclosure, see n. 1.
1. JM enclosed Thomas Jefferson’s “Proclamation against Burr’s Plot,” 27 Nov. 1806 (printed in Ford, Writings of Thomas Jefferson, 8:481–82). Jefferson warned those involved with alleged expeditions against Spanish territory “to cease all further proceedings” and called all military and civilian authorities as well as citizens to vigilance against the plots.